i, seventeen

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I did not expect this chapter to be this long, but here we are... and I apologise in advance

The sun had been setting by the time they'd gotten to South Acton, orange and pinks painting the skies above them. Nothing but an eerie silence covering the Second Mass, the further they'd distanced themselves from Boston.

In a way she begun to hate it. How there wasn't the occasional sound of Mechs and Skitters, or one of their airships passing by at a safe distance anymore. How it had felt like some attack could be dropped in their laps without so much of a warning.

Or perhaps she just began to manage silence in a terrible way, with her thoughts now sounding too loud.

Elizabeth had greeted some of the fighters as she passed them on the way down to the bottom of the hill. Small fires scattered here and there, but just enough to go unnoticed by potential sky patrols.

Being a child of Tom Mason meant no one went unnoticed. And even if everyone knew everyone, being his daughter meant even more so the pressure of living up to the name.

Not that being one of just a dozen of women fighting on the frontlines, among a couple dozen of men, aided in her anonymity.

And it certainly didn't help, she'd linked her name to the Commons. Four young adults in their early twenties, that had grown a reputation of knowing and figuring out too much. After all, there was a reason the initial three members had been hand picked by Weaver.

A little reckless every now and then, but responsible and ahead of the game. If anything, they weren't going to run face first into fire, unless there was a reason to.

Jay's voice cut through the dark, as their silhouettes appeared in the shadow of ember flames. "There's our favourite Mason."

Elizabeth sank down on the grass, besides Andrew. Bidding him a small greeting as she did, before glancing over at the twenty one year old, "Says the man who's nose is growing as we speak. We all know Matt's your favourite."

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