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On the late evening of may 7th, 1991 in the Boston's children's hospital, a healthy baby girl was born. Elizabeth was born as the first child to Rebecca and Tom Mason, and their only daughter. 

The younger girl had always been the calmer one, and it showed gracefully as several years later a baby boy had joined to make the Mason's a family of four. And as the third child was expected, the girl couldn't be more excited. A promise made to her mother to cherish the newborn as she had her brother, and even with the casual tempers between the two, so with that mentioned the third child was as the fourth.

Elizabeth's childhood was rather normal apart from her father's historic remarks and stories wherever they went. And a loving mother, who left not a single of her children without an equal amout of love and attention. 

And all was well until her and family's lives were ripped by the news Rebecca had been diagnosed with breast cancer. Although the girl had been sure about her mother's survival and stood strong with her mother as she battled the decease, and after a year the doctors had said her mother was in remission. It did not mean Elizabeth wasn't afraid. 

There was always this fear for the young woman, no matter how much time had passed. She had never spoken the words out loud, not in front of her family. Her fear of losing their mother, or to her father a wife.

Where her brothers Hal and Ben had been frequently bickering, the girl tried to stay out of it.  Leaving their mother to play the peacekeeper between them, since the teen herself was no use to stopping it. 

It wasn't until shortly before the invasion, the fear Elizabeth had didn't only become reality once but twice. Her mother's cancer returned after three years, and as their mother left to go and look for food she was killed in the blast of a scavenging cluster of Skitters and Mechs.

To some the invasion brought freedom, in a way she couldn't grasp as they were being haunted by Skitters and Mechs, left running to survive. The invasion brought nothing but grief and misery to her life. 

Leaving her with the scars of finding her mother's life taken, and the loss of her. And shortly followed by the same creatures kidnapping her younger brother, leaving it up to their interpretation to believe whether he was alive or not. Leaving the remaining family on top of a fault line, caused by their own words and actions.

The surviving family members had fled to join the Massachusetts Militia after word by their father to protect their family. What would follow after would be a rollercoaster of many tragic things, but a growth of something far bigger.

Something bigger than just running and hiding. More than just surviving. 

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