i, twelve

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The place was crawling with survivors, packed backpacks slamming shoulders as their bodies hustled through the compound. And she, she was pushing her way to the crisscrossing path of people. The impossible fight with backpacks crashing into her with every step she had taken, whilst trying to reach the light at the end of the path.

The light had been where they were supposed to be going, to depart and relocate the Second Mass for the fourth time since grouping with them. Espheni now hot on their heels, and hours away from finding them.

It seemed an endless road, the frustration trying to get out as others were rushing to grab their last things, hurrying to get a last meal or check-up. There was no time to stagger for they had to be somewhere before dark, the need to find food to keep all the mouths fed. And the impossibility of finding places to scour it, now a majority of the stores had been emptied out or overrun by Skitters.

The sun was bright, blinding against the clouds of white in the skies once she stumbled outside. The path ahead of her was calm compared to the one inside, items they no longer needed propped against the walls of the former ramp.

She wasn't sure where her dad had ventured off to, or where either of her brothers had been. Nor had she run into any of her friends and fellow fighters. After all, the compound had been like a maze filled with hundreds of busy ants, but the ants being humans ready to fight or flight.

Her eyes had found a figure sat on a paper box against the wall, clipboard squeezed on his lap and the pencil scraping wildly across the paper. Matt, sitting all by himself, as men and women passed him like he hadn't even been there in the first place.

"Hey bud, what are you doing here?" The girl looked down at him, hearing him mumbling a nothing as she sank down to kneel beside him with a frown.

Eyes trying to take a peek at the paper that had been cover by his moving hands. "It's never nothing. Come on, it's your birthday you shouldn't be sulking on your birthday, tell me..."

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