i, ten

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Despite her and Nathan's efforts, the Second Mass had yet to leave eight days later.

And it was beginning to bother her they were sticking around, instead of running. Because for once running seemed like the better option, rather than waiting for them to show up. Since all it meant was for them to be picked off them off, one by one.

Maybe that's why it bothered her so much she survived the accident at the jump start of the invasion. Lived the walk home after being in a pile up, but her mother never got a chance collecting food. Or how Ben never had a chance to figure out what was happened and might be six feet under for all she knew.

Most of the Second Mass had these moments of luck, after looking death right in the eye, one too many times. The same way she had been luckier than her brother, her mom. Luckier than most of the people from the life she once used to be living would likely ever have, after seven months of living in a world turned upside down.

They had all these opportunities by having the choice to survive. And the one they had chosen was to stick it out and risk everything. Including their lives, whilst doing so.

Perhaps it was selfish in wanting to run and hide, or maybe she was scared. But most of all, she was tired of giving her all for a cause, in which only few thought of the consequences of their actions.

And the bother was big enough that she begun question how different things could've been, if people had thought before putting a gun at the Skitters. That action alone, had ripped away the lives of many before the Second Mass was anywhere close to be a resistance group.

The same day her younger brother disappeared, because they had to run for their lives.

"Do you think that if Ben's still alive-" The words slipped past her mouth and yet she stopped herself from saying it. Hesitating on whether or not she should be saying the words.

Though the loud sound of the Second Mass continuing their day to day, the voices at the table died quickly at the sound of his name. Ben was rarely being brought up by the girl. Unlike Matt or the other Masons, who'd frequently spoken of the fourteen year old, no matter the context.

What she hadn't seen was how the men at the table glanced at one another, wondering in silence if she mentioned anything about this to someone else. But instead the Commons, Dai, Anthony and Click met one another's gazes with question.

Dai had question her, mentioned how he thought she once said she wished he were dead, just so he hadn't had to go through whatever they may have done to him. "I do. I'm just saying, what if he wasn't."

"Do you think he'd know what was going on?" She hadn't dared to look up as she stared at the food that sat on the table before her. Figured she must've sound like she'd finally lost her mind after all those months of guilt eating away at her soul.

The thirty-four year old lay his hand on the girl's shoulder, "I hope that if he is alive, and those lizards got him. He didn't realise what hit him, and that he didn't feel a thing."

The words hadn't made her feel any better than she wished they would. Instead it made her feel like there was no good answer to her question in whether or not she wished he were dead or not.

At the end of it, being harnessed wasn't going to help him. Except make him a tool in their plans to destroy what was left of the human race.

The girl stabbed the spoon into the oatmeal on her plate with a huff, maybe she should've kept her mouth from running what was rushing through her head.

"Survival of the fittest and supposedly lucky ones right?" She could feel their eyes burning into her skull, and as she glanced up, she was met with six pairs of worrisome looks.

And things weren't going to get any better when the shadow of her father appeared at the end of the table. Even if he did see the looks on the faces of the men sat around the table, or the one she had worn. Tom either hadn't acknowledged it or brought it up.

"I need you at the bay in five, your brother's waiting."

"When I came back from patrol this afternoon, you said I should grab the food and rest needed, before heading back out in three hours." The girl watched her dad in disbelief. "Which I'm doing, after being out there for 12 hours on no food or sleep."

The second mass had been or rationing for the past three days as more stores, that hadn't been cleaned out already, outside the actively alien patrolled area had begun to run on empty.

And Elizabeth had been on little sleep and barely any food since. Especially now they had put her on double shifts as more and more patrols were needed to cover ground for alien activity. The little hours back at base were spend trying to sleep and a stomach no longer hungry for food, as she begun to get used to the lack of it.

She understood they needed people out there, but what good was it to run on insomnia and an aching stomach for another six hours? Especially after being on six hours of sleep in the last seventy-two hours, and Dai smuggling her canned peaches between it all.

"Plans changed. We're heading out to get food now."

The young woman had grasped onto the end of her backpack as she had gotten up from the chair. Briefly bidding a goodbye to the others, before rushing after her father.

"Food's not going to feed the dead when they find us." If they even made it back at all.

Tom looked back as the oldest of his children as they ducked into the hallway. Voice full of hope and assurance, "If, if they find us."

"Months ago." They were missing at least eleven since they had begun to get closer to their final barricades, and it was best to think they were gone for good. "But if I remember correctly, eight days ago they were two districts away from finding us, three days ago that was one."

The two Masons turned the corner headed towards the garage. The once thinning crowd, becoming fuller now they had gotten closer to where recons were preparing to head out, and others returning.

"It's no longer the question if they find us, but when, dad."   

filler chapter to the max, but it is finally time we move (back, for those around before) to season one in the upcoming chapters!

back from my trip and ready to go again. 

MAY 2023

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