i, sixteen

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Perhaps it was their luck no alien activity was spotted nearby, upon their return with the rest of the Second Mass.

Because as the large crowd began to grow closer, not only the capacity of the group was one to draw attention. But the sound of their approach could be heard from a vast distance, as their roaring engines and a car honking, came down the hill.

The Second Mass was quick to swarm them, engine not yet killed and feet barely touching the ground when they did.

Elizabeth had dismounted the dirt bike, gaze on the many bodies headed into their direction. The smiles of relief and gratitude at the sight of the group's arrival.

She had no doubt they were happy to see the group returned to them alive. But in truth, the enthusiasm of their welcome had been the food they accounted for. Not them having made their return in one piece.

Matt's short frame crashed into her, short arms squeezing her torso like his life depended on it. "You're back!"

"Hey, bud." She ran her hand over the boy's curls, untangling herself from his grasp before kneeling down in front of him. "I'm sorry we didn't get to make it to your party."

"It's okay." A small smile tugged at the corners of her mouth at the words of her brother. "You went out to get us food, and you're here now."

But her smile had been fast to drop at the sight past her younger brother's shoulders as Anthony stood gesturing for her to come. The others waiting not far from where she and Matt stood, for her to join.

"Look, I gotta go see Weaver with the others. Catch him up on the food we got." Her fingers were gentle to grab onto Matt's arms. Desperate to keep the troublesome feeling from surfacing on her face for him to see. "Why don't you go look if the others need some help unloading?"

Oh, how she hated lying to him about Ben. But she knew it wasn't the time nor place. And above that, not on her to break the news about their missing brother being very much alive. Alive but harnessed.

She was sceptical that even if they told Weaver, the odds were slim he would let them go out to find him. Let alone out a plan to get him back, if he did let them.

They were moving around in hopes to find new refuge. And the Second Mass couldn't afford to have anyone doing side quests for a single person. No matter how badly some of them may have wanted to.

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