i, fifteen

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Elizabeth wasn't sure how long they had waited there in the growing nocturnal.

Because awaiting for the sun to fully set and draw its last light from the skies, to determine there weren't any unexpected Skitter and Mech patrols in the meantime. It started to get on her nerves.

Especially with the group sat mostly in silence, or hushed conversations that barely lasted five sentences and a question. Apart from that it were a bouncing knee left and right every now and then, and nervous looks shared.

It was everlasting. And she hated every lasting second of it.

The risk of trying to find food for a large group would always remain to be a tricky thing. Would there be any food left to take? Or would it end up to be another trap as the many before them had been leaving casualties? They would never know for sure.

Since the only way to figure out if a food scavage wouldn't be a trap, was to find out by going in, and take a risk they all knew the price of all too well.

Her eyes moved away from the sky upon noticing movement in the corner of her eye, the others around her beginning to move away from her and towards the compound.

Dai came to a halt passing her, even in the obscurity she could see genuine question on his face, "You ready?"

A involuntary sigh had escaped past her lips, "Not really."

"We'll be in and out before you know it, kid." The thirty-two year old clapped his hand on her shoulder as he moved away from her.

Why was it that it had been her stupidity of running into gun fire, wanting to do good. The hopeful shot coming from her gun, that kept him from dying at the hands of a Skitter. But it was Dai that had suddenly been the one believing they could kick some alien ass, without a receiving a single scratch themselves?

Truly she wished she could see the world through his eyes at times, or her dad's for that matter. Because whatever made that difference from being saved to now, she would love a shot of that courage. Or she sure hoped her future self would one day, at the very least.

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