Chapter 29

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"Heh. So you finally show yourself, Toman's Hound Division Commander, Heiwajima Izayoi."

"You got some balls tryin' to lay your hands on my pals."

"Get away from our bo-"

The moment Inui tried to stab Izayoi, the boy slammed the back of his right fist into Inui's face. As Inui fell to the ground, Izayoi stomped his right foot onto the guy's head without even looking at him as his gaze was fixed on Taiju. Soon Koko lunged at Izayoi, only for the boy to pull him closer and slam his head against his face. Afterwards, he proceeds to throw Koko over his shoulder as he caused the boy to land harshly on his back and then stomps on his gut.

"Let my pals go, Taiju. I'm only giving you this one chance."

As Takemichi looked between Taiju and Izayoi, he couldn't move his body. The way the two of them glared at each other, it was like watching two wild beasts getting ready to fight each other. When Taiju looked at Izayoi, he walked towards him so they were face-to-face.

"My offer for you to join Black Dragon still stands Izayoi. However, you need to keep your nose out of the Shiba family's business."

"Hakkai is a part of Toman just like Takemichi. The fact you're attacking them makes this my business. If you got a problem with that, then do something bitch."

The moment Izayoi said this, Taiju kicked the boy under his chin. However, he was surprised when Izayoi stood his ground and slammed his fist into Taiju's stomach. This caused Taiju to get pushed back a few feet as he was gasping for air. When the two of them glared at each other, all they saw was red as a ferocious smile appeared on their faces. Soon both of them began to launch their right fists towards each other, but before they could land their punches, Hakkai stood between them. This action caused both of them to stop their punches, which were inches away from Hakkai's body.

"Stop please!!!!!"

"Hakkai. When you ask someone for a favor, you gotta offer something in exchange! Offer me something of equal worth. If you don't, Toman will no longer have a First Division Captain."

When Taiju said this, Izayoi glanced over to Takemichi and Hina. He saw the members of Black Dragon he knocked out earlier getting back up. That's when he realized why Hakkai stopped him.

"I'll quit Toman. I'll join the Black Dragons so I can support you. So in exchange, let Takemitchy and the others go."

As he heard Hakkai's offer, Taiju smirked as he snapped his fingers. Soon his gang members stood up as they made a path for Hakkai and the others to take. As Hakkai got Takemitchy, Yuzuha, and Hina away, Taiju noticed Izayoi glaring at him.

"This bastard...he's the leader of the gang Shinichiro made a legacy with. He caused the Black Dragon that my brother told me about into this. Not only that, he treats his younger siblings like this......"

"What's the matter brat? Still pissed our party got cut shirt. You still have a chance. Leave Toman an-"

Before Taiju could finish his sentence, Izayoi punched his face so hard that his body was sent flying a few feet as he crashed on his back. Soon Izayoi turned around to follow his friends. As he walked away he spoke to Taiju.

"You're already ruining a legacy one of brothers made. Plus, as a brother myself, your actions make me want to vomit. However....if you even think i'll abandon the only family I got left and crush my brother's dreams just because YOU want something to go your way....i'll kill you on the spot, Shiba Taiju."

~A few minutes later~
"I'm sorry, Hakkai. Because of me...."

When Takemichi and the group finally got away from Black Dragon's territory, Takemichi wanted to apologize to Hakkai. It was because of his presence that this all happened.

"Sorry, Hakkai. It's my fault you're leaving Toman."

"Don't worry about it, Takemitchy. It's not you're fault. I decided to leave awhile ago. Oh yeah, I need to thank the Hound Division Comman-"

"You don't have to be so damn formal."

Takemitchy, Hakkai, Yuzuha, and Hina all turned around as they saw Izayoi walking up to them. However, Takemichi saw that Izayoi seemed to have calmed down as he was wearing his usual smirk.

"So you're Hakkai. I don't know how to feel about you leaving Toman....but you did stick up for my pal and his girl. Plus if you hadn't done that, we would've been jumped and I can't defend you all. Though it pains me that you're leavin', thanks for sticking out for a fellow member."

"W-wow. For a commander to compliment me that much. Thanks Houn-"

"You know my name, use it."

"Thanks, Heiwajima. But I bet it was a surprise, huh. The boss of Black Dragon being my big bro."

As Izayoi agreed with him, a look of realization appears on Takemichi's face. In the future, he was told that Hakkai killed the previous leader of Black Dragon. Just moments ago, Hakkai said he already decided to leave Toman for awhile because he had something to do.

"Is Hakkai gonna kill his brother?!"

When Takemichi looked ahead, he saw Hakkai happily chatting away with Izayoi. He had so much trouble believing his theory. Was Hakkai really planning on killing Taiju? As Takemichi was in thought, Izayoi noticed Yuzuha looking at him up and down.

"What? Ya like what you see?"

"I'm impressed. You're way stronger than you look."

"I hear that a lot. You'd think being comparable to Mikey would make people not underestimate you. But enough about that, I wanna thank you too for guarding Hina. That kick you did was pretty badass."

Soon Izayoi began to walk away, unable to see the small tint of red on Yuzuha's face. However, as Izayoi walked away, Hina got a good look at his face. Seeing it, Hina moved towards Takemichi.

"Takemichi, doesn't Heiwajima-kun seem a bit off today?"

"Eh, how so Hina?"

"I get that anyone would be mad if they saw our situation, but Heiwajima-kun was absolutely livid. Do you think him he has a personal grudge with that Taiju guy?"

Izayoi was seen inside of his own room as he was lying on his bed. The moment he took off his headphones and placed them on the desk close to his bed, an angry look formed on his face.

"In the gang I lead, everyone knew how to have a crazy time and everyday was like a party with them. However, whenever someone screwed up, they admit to their mistakes and clean up any mess they caused. Izayoi, being a delinquent means living life freely as much as you want, but you also need to stay true to your morals. That's what a true delinquent is like. That's the type of gang that Black Dragon is."


As Izayoi screamed, he stood up and kicked down the chair at his desk. Shinichiro was the one who taught him what it meant to be a delinquent. He looked up to his brother, he looked up to the gang that his brother forged a bond with. However, he couldn't see an ounce of that legacy in this generation of Black Dragon.

"Taiju isn't fit to be apart of the legacy Shinichiro brought into the world of gangs. Not only that, what kind of brother would treat his siblings like that? Who the hell would treat their family like that?! Does that bastard not know how lucky he is to have cool people like Hakkai and Yuzuha as family!!!"

Despite his appearance, Izayoi was a lonely person. After Canaria died and he stopped seeing Shinichiro, he felt as if he was all alone. The fact his mother abandoned him in the first place made it hard for him to even accept Canaria as his family at first. The more he thought about what a family was like, the more envious Izayoi felt of those who are taking there's for granted.

"Not only that, that bastard Taiju tried to take me away from the only family I got left (Toman). Dammit, I wish you were here to guide me and tell me what to do, Shinichiro."

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