Chapter 40

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"Sorry i'm late. Don't worry, i'll settle this here and now. Though i'm not in the best condition, so feel free to jump in whenever i'm slacking."

That wasn't a question, not in the slightest. The look in his eyes and the tone of his voice made that clear. He was giving them an order, yet they knew they couldn't defy it. For the first time, Chifuyu, Takemitchy, and even Mitsuya and Hakkai found someone even scarier than Mikey and Taiju. While Izyaoi said this, he walked towards Yuzuha.

"What is it? Are gonna lecture me on how I shouldn't have tried to kill Taiju? Hate to break it to you bu-"

"You did well, Yuzuha."

Yuzuha was expecting a lot of things. She would've thought Izayoi would blame her or Hakkai for letting things get this far out of hand. As Izayoi placed his right hand on her head, the boy spoke to her.

"However, you shouldn't have trusted Orihara or that Kisaki bastard. Your only way to save your family is to kill Taiju? That's idiotic. After all, you can choose your allies but not your family. Rest easy, you don't have to shoulder that responsibility alone. After all, Toman never abandons one of its own!!! Mitsuya, Chifuyu, Takemichi!!!! We'll protect Yuzuha and Hakkai with all our might!!!!!"

As Izayoi shouts, he ran towards Taiju at full speed. Seeing this, Taiju smirked at this opportunity. He wanted to pay Izayoi back for that punch he landed on him when he was in Black Dragon's territory for the first time. Now was the perfect chance for that.

"Koko, you and Inui handle the battered ones. This new contender is mine."

"Sure. You heard the man, Inupi. Get up!"

As Koko said this, Inui was seen standing back. When he did, blood escaped from his nose and lips. Soon Taiju, Koko, and Inui glared at Izayoi and the rest of the group. As Taiju and Izayoi glared at each other, they said one thing.


Soon everyone began to charge forward. Takemichi quickly tackled Koko to the ground. Seeing this, Koko knees Takemichi in the stomach and pushed the boy away from him. The moment he did, Hakkai lunged towards him and punched Koko in the face. Soon Hakkai and Takemichi stood side by side as they glared at Koko.

"We're not losing here!!!!, we'll protect Yuzuha!!!!"

"We're gonna crush you, Black Dragon!!!!!"

While this happened, Mitsuya and Chifuyu ran towards Inui. As Inui lunged towards them, he swung the pipe he held in his right hand at them. As Chifuyu jumped back to avoid the strike, Mitsuya quickly crouched down to avoid it and lunged towards Inui. Soon Mitsuya grabs Inui's right arm and throws him over his shoulder as Inui was now slammed to the ground. Afterwards, Chifuyu and Mitsuya spoke up.

"We got things covered here! Izayoi............"

"Taiju is all yours!!!!!!!!!!!"

Hearing this, Izayoi simply walked closer to Taiju. As they were now standing before each other, Izayoi lifts his head as he saw Taiju staring him down. With a smirk on his face, Taiju looked at Izayoi.

"You look like shit. Did you get into a fight before coming here and got your ass handed to you?"


"I'm gonna kill them. Takemichi, Chifuyu, Mitsuya, and Yuzuha. To think that bitch and my coward of a brother would try to kill me. I'll make them pay. They need to learn that as the older brother, my words are absol-"

It all happened in an instant. Taiju was suddenly in the air and crashed into the altar while he felt a stinging pain on the right side of his face. It took everything he had to stay conscious. When he looked at Izayoi, he saw his right fist held up as he glared at him.

"Get up."

"You fucker!!!!!!"

As Taiju got up, he lunged towards Izayoi in a fit of rage. The moment Taiju got close, Izayoi grabbed his neck with his left hand and then slams his right fist into Taiju's face. Taiju's face was covered in blood since Izayoi broke his nose, afterwards, Izayoi kicked Taiju's face as Taiju was now rolling on the ground. When Taiju looked up, he saw Izayoi glaring at him.

"Get up. You're lucky i've calmed down since entering here. Don't let my kindness go to waste. I could've end this with one hit, never gave Hakkai or Yuzuha that mercy...did you? Let's see if you handle your own method used against you. Now then, get up."

As Taiju was getting up, he looked at Izayoi. However, the moment his eyes met with Izayoi's, Taiju noticed something. When he looked at his own hand, he saw that it was shaking. Meanwhile, as Izayoi walked closer to him, Taiju did something he never would've expected.

"Wait a minute....he's walking towards me, but he's not getting closer. Am i......walking back? Am I trying to run away from him? This isn't the gaze of a mere hound. It's like a wolf staring me down like i'm its next meal.

"What are you?!"


Without saying a word, Izayoi landed a rising right roadhouse kick to Taiju's temple at blinding speed. His right foot hooked around Taiju's head as he drilled it into the ground. When Izayoi looked at Taiju, he saw his eyes rolled into the back of his skull. Soon the boy turned around after stomping on Taiju's head one more time.

"Taiju, the Black Dragon you lead will never make a new age. Sit back and watch, because Toman will make a new age with Hakkai on our side. Eat shit, Shiba Taiju."

"You fucker.....I didn't lose!!!! Koko!!!!! Call in our soldiers!!!! We'll pit 100 of our best soldiers against these fuckers!!!!!!!!!"

As Taiju said this, Takemichi, Chifuyu, Mitsuya, and the younger Shiba siblings were worried. Meanwhile, Izayoi was merely walking to the church doors. Everyone was shocked when Izayoi kicked down the doors of the church to reveal all of Black Dragon on the ground with broken limbs and covered in blood. Meanwhile, Mikey and Draken stood outside.

"Damn, Daiji-kun. You beat all these guys by yourselves. No fair, we couldn't let loose and had to wait out our boredom."

"Ken-chin's right. This isn't fair."

"Oh shut up, you two. Not my fault that I stole your thunder."

Everyone, aside from Draken and Mikey, were shocked by this revelation. Soon Takemichi began to understand why Izayoi was late. Not only did Kisaki give Izayoi the wrong time, but he had to fight all of Black Dragon's soldiers by himself. When Mikey looked at his brother, he asked him one thing.

"So then......what's the verdict for tonight's "secret" battle, Izayoi?"

"That's obvious, Manjiro. An absolute victory for Toman."

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