Chapter 39

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~In the church~
"Dammit. All I can do is hold this guy back!"

Takemichi was seen holding onto Koko tightly as Chifuyu was fighting against Inui. Takemichi was beginning to worry since Chifuyu was beaten up to begin with. Seeing this, he called out to Mitsuya.

"Mitsuya!! Hakkai!!!! I can't do this for long so please hurry!!!!"

"Right. And Hakkai....don't worry. I know you can win against Taiju. Have faith in yourself. Let's do this, Hakkai!!!!!"

As Mitsuya ran towards Taiju, he noticed something. When he glanced back, he saw Hakkai with his head facing downwards as his body was trembling with fear.

"I'm sorry......Taka-chan."

"Mitsuya, what were you expecting from Hakkai?"

The moment he asked this, Taiju punched Mitsuya into one of the pews. Seeing this, Koko smiled as he held Takemichi's shoulders and thrusts his knee into the boy's gut. Meanwhile, Inui performed a leg sweep on Chifuyu and quickly kicks him away.

"Chifuyu Matsuno. I wanted to fight you when you were in better shape."

"TAIJU!!!!! I'm gonna do it. I'll kill you!!!!!"

As Hakkai picked up the knife that he had earlier, he lunged towards Taiju. Seeing this, Takemichi quickly got on his feet and ran towards Hakkai. The moment he jumped in front of Hakkai, Takemichi slams his own head against the boy's. Afterwards, Takemichi grabbed Hakkai's left wrist as he was trying to stop Hakkai from using the knife.

"Out of my way, Takemitchy!!!!"

"Don't you get it, Hakkai?! If you go through with this, you'll become an irredeemable bastard! You know this isn't right! This isn't how you fight back. That's why........."

As Takemichi spoke, he began to walk towards Taiju. Takemichi was now standing before Taiju, who was towering over him. While standing before the threat in front of him, Takemichi merely glared back at Taiju.

"......i'm gonna show you what it means to fight back!"

"Huh? Still haven't learned your lesson you little shit?"

"Haven't learned my lesson? That's my only redeeming quality!!!!! Let's go, Taiju!!!!!!"

As Takemichi was ready to throw a punch at Taiju, Taiju simply caught Takemichi's right hook with his right hand. Afterwards, Taiju punched Takemichi's face with his left fist so hard that blood escaped from Takemichi's nose as he fell to the ground.

"I'm not done yet!!!!!!!"

As Takemichi got up, Taiju kept punching him down. Everytime Takemichi got back up, he ended up more bruised and bloodied. Soon Taiju punched Takemichi down to the ground again. When he saw the boy getting back up, he had a question on his mind.

"How many time do I have to punch 'til you're satisfied?"

"How many time do I have to punch 'til you're satisfied?"

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