Chapter 56

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"Hey, Yuzuha. Did I ever tell you that I hate the nickname that everyone gave me or how I hate it when people learn who my brother is?"

As the two of them were seen sitting on some swings, Yuzuha and Izayoi were looking in different directions. While Yuzuha was looking high at the stars, Izayoi was simply looking at the dirt with a confused express on his face.

"Iza-tan, you have to be more specific about the nickname part."

"Mikey's Equal. You're Mikey's Equal. Watch out, it's Mikey's Equal. You're just like Shinichiro, as expected of Shinichiro's brother. No matter where I go or who I met, it was always the same. I bet if people learned my real name now they'd go, hey it's Kurokawa Izana's brother. Over and over and over. People only see me as the shadow of someone else. Once they take a look at my background, they immediately think he's trouble or he's gotta be strong. But ........but........"


"I only fight to protect the ones close to me. I became strong to fight for what I believed in. I worked so hard to get where I am now. And yet, with just one look at my background and family, all my hard work....all my effort. It's just boiled down to "He's Mikey's Equal, or as expected of Shinichiro's brother". Why..........why ..........why won't anyone look behind those names and just call out for Heiwajima Izayoi? Why do I always have to be someone's shadow. Even I.....even I want to be seen too, dammit!!!!!!"

Mikey, Emma, Takemichi, and Toman. Izayoi can't allow himself to be seen as weak. He has to be strong for them. He has to keep getting stronger to protect those he loves. He has to keep moving forward and watch over them. Yet time and time again, no matter how many injuries he's taken, people think he's fine. Because in their eyes, Mikey's Equal is just as much of a monster as Mikey himself.

"I envy people like Takemichi. If you're weak, then you can gather in as large a group as you want. I want to become weak and if that's not possible, then I at least want to make friends that are as strong as me. Yet, as people say, only Mikey is strong enough. But even he needs help. As his brothe, he needs someone to be able to guide him. I'm sure that's what Shinichiro would want, but....."

Soon tears began to fall down Izayoi's eyes. He wanted something like that. He wish he had friends like Draken and Toman who would follow him while still treating him like a friend. He wishes he had a pal like Takemichi that would support him even if things got tough. He wishes he had Mikey's charisma to gather those around him and for them to finally see his presence. But Heiwajima Izayoi wasn't Mikey, he could never be Mikey. He could never be himself. All he was, all he is to people, is Mikey's Equal. Soon Izayoi felt Yuzuha lift his head up so he would look at her and not the ground.

"If no one will look at you, then make them look. You don't need to prove yourself to anyone but yourself. I always wondered, since you support everyone, who was there to support you. Izayoi, I know it's not easy to stop letting people's words affect you. But let me say this. I didn't fall in love with Mikey's Equal."

~Flashback Ends~
"I fell in love with Heiwajima Izayoi."

"Takemichi, what happened?"

Takemichi froze in place when he heard Izayoi's voice. For just a moment, Takemichi felt like not answering truthfully and fast would get him killed. So, the boy simply told Izayoi what happened.

"A motorcycle came by and one of the passengers tried to strike Emma with a bat but....... Yuzuha got in front of her and took the hit instead."

"Takemichi, get her on my back."

As Izayoi said this, Takemichi quickly picked up Yuzuha's body and placed her on Izayoi's back. The moment this happened, Izayoi simply began to run to the hospital as fast as he could, leaving behind Emma, Takemichi, Mikey, and everyone else at the cemetery. While her body was being moved, Yuzuha began to speak in a soft voice.

"Izayoi..........I kept my promise....and kept Emma safe. Did I do good?"

"Yeah, you were the best. I'm sorry for placing a burden on you like that."

"It was the first time my boyfriend genuinely wanted something for himself, how could a girl say no."

As Yuzuha said this, her vision began to become blurry. She soon began to hug Izayoi tightly as she was still on his back. Izayoi merely tightened his grip on her as he kept trying to take her to a hospital on foot.

"Yuzuha, did you know? I had a dream of opening up a bar. When Emma became a bride, I would make her my first customer. Then i'd make a drink after you and have it be the main attraction. We'd invite Mikey and the guys over and you'd scold us for being too loud."

"That sounds about right. I would've loved to become a bride too."

"What are you talking about? Would've? You'd definitely become a bride. I know you'd make a good wife in the future! Don't worry, Yuzu-"

"Izayoi............heh. I knew it. My Izayoi is the nicest person. I love you, Heiwajima Izayoi. You're the best thing to"

Izayoi's heart began to sink. He suddenly kept shaking Yuzuha's body a bit to get a reaction out of her. Silence, instead of a response, Izayoi was met with a ominous silence. Soon a creepy smile began to form on Izayoi's face as his eyes were slowly starting to lose the light in them as tears began to fall from them.

"Yuzuha. Hey, Yuzuha? You feel kind of cold. Do you need to wear my coat? Come on, after we visit the hospital, i'll drop out of this war and take care of you. I'll even give up fighting. I'LL EVEN QUIT BEING A DELINQUENT! JUST SAY SOMETHING! JUST GIVE ME AN ANSWER, YUZUHA!!!"

But no one answered him. Right there, on February 22nd, Shiba Yuzuha had died. On the day his brother made a gang he respected with all his heart, Heiwajima Izayoi lost the girl he loved the most. On that day, Heiwajima Izayoi's heart was completely broken. And in its place..........

The Dark Impulses began to consume him.

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