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"Hey kid, it's time to wake up, I got breakfast downstairs for you." Ran whisper as he sat next to you on your bed, slight sunlight peering through the blinds giving you slight warmth on your face awakening you more. 

"I'm not hungry." you muttered back turning away from him. Not wanting to face anyone outside of these four walls.

"Come on Y/N, you haven't left this room in 3 weeks. I let it slide bringing you some food that you barely ate, but this is too much. You are going to make yourself sick." Ran started to play with your hair his voice laced with concern. The brothers raised you to be a bad bitch, not to take anyone's shit and to never show a single person your weakness. You held so strong for so long but this finally broke you. Living life under the wraps of never being able to be free without a worry in the world. Even having your brother's member's of Tokyo's most brutal gang, you were caged in. The clubs and little outing's with friends to shop or with Sanzu were what kept you going, what kept you hanging on. Not being able to do anything outside of this damn house was torture. You have finally broke.

"I do not give a fuck Ran. Leave me alone and get the fuck out." you spit out nastily. Not even turning to face him knowing he was hurting keeping you locked in this house.

"Listen kid, I know this is hard. Get up, eat and shower. When it get darker outside we will go for a drive by the beach ok?" Ran spoke softly still playing with your hair. His word shocked you, knowing the beach was your favorite place to go. Anytime there was any shit with school or just life, you two would go to your favorite little beach and just sit by the water. He really always knew how to make you feel better.

You turned over in the bed to face him. " You mean it?" you spoke softly. 

Ran chuckled at you jumping up off the bed, " Now do I ever lie?" 

You smiled and rolled out of bed. You haven't showered in days, you felt disgusting. Ran looked at you and laughed.  

"Get out now." you gave him a death glare and pointed towards the door. He turned around still laughing and walked out.

After the shower that felt like ages but you didn't care. After throwing a big sweatshirt and sweatpants on you started down the stairs to the kitchen. To your surprise, Mikey was down there with Ran. 

"Y/N, you okay?" Mikey asked with a worried look. Being that he never saw you in your current state of brokenness before.

"Eventually yeah" you said with a forced smile as you walked straight to the plate Ran sat at the island in the kitchen fresh out of the microwave. Probably because the shower was years long.  

"Listen Y/N, We got some leads on where the leader of that gang is hiding out at." Mikey looked straight at you with zero emotion.

Mid bite you looked up to meet his gaze with a questioning look. " Why is he in hiding?"

Ran and Mikey just looked at each other and Mikey looked down towards the counter. Ran rubbing the back of his neck looking up to the ceiling letting out a sigh.

"Sanzu happened." Ran muttered lightly so you can barely hear him. 

"huh" you responded quickly concerned but knowing exactly where this was going.

"He went on a spree, killing people on the bottom and started working his way up to the top. That's when they figured out what was going on and he went into hiding. Rin joined him too which is quite worrying being he doesn't really do this shit without Ran forcing him." Mikey said looking up to meet your frozen figure. 

"Well there goes my appetite." you said as you dropped the fork back onto the plate. 

"No finish your food." Mikey argued. You just starred at him. His gaze so stern yet so comforting. It was a strange feeling to get from him being he was so emotionless. 

"Fine." you looked back down at your food not making eye contact with either of them.

"Once you finish eating were going to the beach." Mikey said still looking at you.

"I'm going with Ran, not you." you muttered still not looking up from your plate but feeling Mikey's gaze on you. 

"About that, Mikey is gunna be staying here with you while Rin, Sanzu and I go to the leads." Ran muttered cautiously not knowing how you were going to respond.

"Okay that's fine. I like Mikey so I'll be good." you said getting up and taking the plate to the sink. Mikey lifting his head up and watching your every movement. Ran watching the two of you surprised at your response. 

"Okay? I'm going to head back to the hideout and meet up with them. I love you kid. Don't cause Mikey to much trouble." Ran smirked as he said the last sentence walking over to you and wrapping you into one of his comfort hugs. 

"Yeah I love you too but you know I'm trouble , so poor Mikey." you winked walking up the stairs as Ran shook his head walking out the door nodding to Mikey. 

| A few hours later |

There was a knock on the door even thou it was slightly open, as you moved your gaze off your phone and to the door to see Mikey with a milkshake. 

"Oh hey." you replied going back to your phone. Mikey still standing in your doorway.

"I got you a milkshake, now lets go to the beach." he muttered to you softly.

"It ok we don't have to go, its kind of me an..." you started before getting cut off.

"Didn't ask, get up we're going." Mikey snapped putting the milkshake on your dresser and walking out back down the stairs. 

"Well this is gunna be so fucking fun." you sarcastically said under your breathe but kind of happy to be able to leave this place.

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