~ twenty four~

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It was dark..

It was cold..

It was empty..

Nothing but complete and utter nothingness.

As much as it should have scared me, it didn't.

I felt almost a sense of comfort. Although that comfort was cut short when I heard a voice.

It was almost like it was screaming my name..

At Least I thought it was screaming..

Until the voice got quieter but it was closer.

I knew that voice..

But if I'm hearing that voice... Does that mean...

Does it really mean...

I'm dead?

"Hey, Y/N wake up." the voice spoke again more clearly to you. Startling you from your thoughts.

You slowly but surely opened your eyes.

Being met with a sunset that was so breathtaking that it could have almost left you speechless. It was pink with hues of orange and purple and a hint of yellow. The sun is still a bit away from the water.. The ocean.. Feeling as if your senses are coming to you, you can feel sand under you.

You are at the beach...

You sat up, taking in the serenity of your favorite place to be. Making you feel the utmost comfort. Making everything seem like a distant memory, or a bad nightmare.

"I miss you so much Y/N" the voice spoke, snapping you back, making you realize that you weren't alone, that the voice belonged to someone you knew, someone you loved, it belonged to Rin.

You turned your head with tears already swelling in your eyes.

All you could do was look at him.

He looked so happy, healthy and most of all peaceful. He was in his favorite comfy outfit that he always wore around the house, and his hair in the crazy bun he would always have it in after a nap he took on the couch by accident. Glasses rested on the bridge of his nose, keeping him from straining his eyes. He was smiling, a big wide smile. The smile that made you feel safe. The smile that you always remembered him having in all of your favorite memories of him.

"R-Rin?" you tried to mutter out through the bubble in your throat. Ultimately losing the battle of fighting the tears back.

"Don't start crying baby sister." Rin spoke, grabbing you into a hug that wrapped his arms around your back and a hand stroking the back of your head as you started sobbing into his chest.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2022 ⏰

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