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Its been 4 weeks since your brothers left. Mikey has been staying at the house so your weren't alone. You were glad your impulse kiss didn't make shit awkward or ruin anything. Mikey always brought you good food and never let you eat in the room saying, "You're gonna eat down here with me, not alone in your room." Always using his stern voice that low key scared you, but you would never let him know that. He really made the last few weeks bearable, always checking up on you. Bringing home your favorite snacks, watching the anime's you've had in your watch list for ages. He made you forget about the actual bullshit you had going on. Never letting your sadness consume you and making you leave your room. He brought you to the beach twice a week and stopping for milkshakes on the way, of course you were never aloud out of the car. He was as good as Ran at making you feel better, which was surprising because you only ever had Ran to comfort you.

You had talked to your brothers on facetime about a week and a half ago. They said they were going to be wrapping up their work there and should be home soon. Ran would always send random texts that would make you laugh knowing he was doing it to make sure you were okay. You missed them so much, they would go on business things all the time but never this long. The longest being a week, but they always left you with someone from Bonten like a body guard. They were gone for almost a month and it was stressful and Mikey could tell it was taking a toll on you. So he made it a point to tell you, " I wont let them leave you this long again, I promise." He was so nice and soft in front of you the past few weeks. You didn't think it would go on for this long but you enjoyed it before the boys came back and he would go back to his Bonten leader self.

Mikey left early this morning and he texted you to tell you he had to go handle some shit down at one of the hideouts. Well he wasn't lying because he was gone all day leaving you to deep clean your closet and your whole room for that matter. Purging so many of your clothes to give Mikey and bring to the goodwill. As you were bringing the bags down by the front door he walked in with a case of alcohol. You smirked when you saw him holding the box.

"PERFECT!" you shouted, jumping up and down happy because you really wanted to just get drunk and have a good night. Today was a good day for you. You weren't sad and wanted to keep it that way. "Imma go shower because I cleaned all day and feel gross. Don't forget to put those in the car!" you shouted stealing 2 shooters that were in the bag on top and running up the stairs.

As soon as you got to your room you placed one of them on your dresser. Cracking the other one and tossing it back fully. Feeling the burn of the liquid going down your throat to cause warm in your stomach awoken something in you. It felt so good to be able to loosen up and feel something other than nothing. You put music on, blasting it through your Bluetooth speaker so that you would hear it clearly in the bathroom. You grab a big t-shirt and shorts that were no way going to show under the t-shirt. You made your way dancing and singing into the bathroom. You decided you were going to actually take a good shower, shave, moisturizer, the whole thing. It would be a waste not take the opportunity to make yourself feel even better and take advantage of this good mood. After about 15 good songs you finally got out, brushing your hair, putting lotion on your freshly shaved, smooth body as well as your face cream. You wiped the condensation off the mirror and looked at yourself. You hated the person you have become over the past month and a half. So you made a promise to yourself, to never left yourself slip into this darkness again. You smiled at yourself and headed towards your dresser to take the other shooter you left there. After you finished it, you grabbed your phone checking it for texts or anything. Heading downstairs to meet up with Mikey who ordered you favorite pizza, scrolling through his phone.

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