🦋 Being the younger sister of the Haitani Brothers has its pros and cons , especially when it comes to their one friend, Bontens number 2.
🦋 sanzu x femreader
~ Drugs/Alcohol/Smoking
~ NSFW content
~ Violence/Guns
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~ Sanzu P.O.V ~
All I saw was fucking red. It took everything in me to not lose every fucking ounce of control in my body. I get her losing her shit over her brother. I never want to know what it feels like to lose a sibling, especially in this path. Seeing how she handled everything. I'm surprised it took her this long to actually lose it.
Her fucking Mikey made me sick to my stomach. I wanted to put a gun to every single person I encountered. It disgusts me, but I left her. Without a single word, just left. I don't blame her for feeling the things she did. To make it even worse we came back, and she had lost a brother. I don't blame her for what she did. I blame my fucking self.
It's just so fucked how everything is spiraling. I hate everything about this. I just want her safe and happy with me. Why can I not fucking have that.
As soon as I saw that smug fucking look on Mikey's face, I knew he was going to do whatever she wanted. I know he protects her and cares for her, we all do. This though, this was too much for me. As I looked at Ran, his face said everything I needed to know. We were still doing this, and nobody could change Mikey's mind.
I could feel my heartbeat in my ears, the sound was overwhelming. I was not nearly high enough to be dealing with this bullshit.
"FUCK THIS." I shouted storming out of the room pushing Ran out of the way.
I wanted to go as far as I could.
I needed something.
Drugs, booze, someone to just fucking torcher, something.
As I made my way down the stairs towards the door, I felt a hand grip my shoulder. It just pissed me off more. As I turned around, I saw Ran. He looked so helpless, like he wanted to just break down and cry. I've never seen him like this ever. Which fucking pissed me off even more. How did this shit get so fucked up.
As I was about to find the words to speak, his hand met my chest and he pushed me up against the front door.
"The fuck are you doing?" I questioned as I stared at him. Trying my hardest to not fucking go bilistic because clearly Ran is not okay. As mad as I am right now, that's Y/N brother and part of my family.
As he stood there with one hand in his pocket and the other dangling by his side. He just stared back at me.
"What the fuck is your issue." I spoke, breaking the silence.
Ran took the hand that was in his pocket and tossed a little orange bottle towards me which I caught in one hand.