17/He tainted me.

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⋆Landon Kate ⋆

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Landon Kate

"Oh my god-" I groan out, trying so hard not to slam inside her because she's still hurting so I need to be careful with her this once.
Her sweet body shivers and sweat starts forming around her face and chest.

Her hands claw at my biceps and shoulders, her moans were uncontrollable and fucking hot, I wish her to never stop moaning my name so sweetly.

Her cunt clenched me so hard I had to take breaks and breath because if I kept going I wouldn't be able to last long.

"Do you like that, pink?" I lean down and kiss her soft lips.
If someone told me a month ago I would be fucking little pink right now I would have killed them, this is unbelievable I know but I feel for her and I can't deny it.
My anger and my jealousy didn't let me notice all that before, and I'm glad I accepted to take therapy.

"Yes, oh yes~ give me more, Landon." She whimpers and I bend down to kiss her lips.

My skin burns anywhere it makes contact with her and my jaw tightens, I really don't want to lose control and hurt her but it's hard to go slow.
I am not used to this, matter of fact I haven't had sex in a while now so I don't even know how to act in this moment with her pretty little body writhing underneath mine, squirming for me to touch her all over.

"Mm fuck, you're squeezing me so tight, Pink." I groan in her ear and kiss her cheek, her soft skin warm and molding so perfectly against mine.
I thrust in and out and each time increasing my speed, she's so fucking addictive, every kiss every fucking touch is electric and makes me want more.

Kissing down her neck to get to her bare shoulder I bite into it softly and then kiss the bite mark to ease the pain.
Her soft moans filled my ears and her hands gripping at my hair made me keep going.

"Oh god, you're taking me so well," I whisper on top of her pretty parted lips before sealing them with mine and drowning her moans.

Her body shook underneath mine and once I pressed my chest against hers to keep the rhythm of my hips the same a loud moan escaped her lips, breaking our kiss.
My cock warmed up and I knew she was done, but I wasn't yet.

It was there I was just dragging it out slowly.
I slammed into her keep my dick buried deep inside her until I was finished and then collapsed against her, lightly laying on top of her so I wouldn't hurt her.

Maybe it's because it was my first time in a while but I feel fucking exhausted and I just want to go to sleep.

"Are you okay?" She asks and I chuckle, lifting my head off her chest to look at her pretty half-open eyes.

"I'm so good, are you okay?" I answer.

"I'm okay," she smiles and I lift myself off her, my dick slipping out of her. My gaze falling onto her naked lower half made her pull the covers of my bed and cover-up which annoyed me a bit, I mean I just ate her out for fuck's sake how can she be shy now.

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