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It was a beautiful sunny day at the city of Koshigaya, south side of Tokyo...and to top it that, it was a Saturday, where some citizens have their day offs at work, and some go to work still...and that leave us to one single person to take a look at her story: in the apartments, there lives a 25 year old chick, who goes by the name of Kobayashi...and well...she use to live alone...and now she Don't, as she now has some dragon friends with her living in her apartment, one is Tohru, who she happens to be her maid, and then there's two child dragons, one that is a 9 year old cute dragon, Kanna Kamui, and the other is a 16 year old girl, Ilulu...they were in their apartment, having a good day as both Ilulu and Kanna were watching TV and Kobayashi and Tohru sitting at the table togther drinking some tea...

Kobayashi: *sighs* Today seems like a chill day to me.

Tohru: You said it Miss Kobayashi, and what's more relaxing is drinking this tea I made.

Kobayashi: Yup, it's even more relaxing as well...and looking out the window, seeing the sky and the sun being sunny is really calm as well.

Tohru: Yup! And you know what else is sunny to see? You~! *giggles*

Kobayashi: Okay, now you killed the mood...

Tohru: Miss Kobayashi! Don't be mean!

Kobayashi: Mmmm...

Suddenly, Kobayashi realizes Ilulu and Kanna placing their heads into her laps, with a boredom face...

Kobayashi: Oh hey you two, why the faces??

Kanna: We're so bored...we don't know what to do else rather than watching TV.

Ilulu: Even though it's so calm and a relaxing day, there's nothing fun to do, just watching TV is so boring, we wanna do something.

Tohru: *sighs* You two are really that bored Huh?? Well, what should we do?

Kobayashi: To be honest, I really don't know...all I want is to relax, but I can't bear to see these two being bored the hell out...maybe we can go out...but where?

Suddenly, Kobayashi looks at the TV, as she sees a little commercial that includes a whole family picnic camping together in the woods, playing some board games, eating delicious food, and spending a lot of time together...

Kobayashi: Hmmm. You know what?? Why don't we go picnic camping?

Kanna/Ilulu: Picnic Camping?!?

Tohru: Picnic Camping??

Kobayashi: Yea, I mean it would be nice to go camping outside with fresh air, eat some food, and well spend our day outside, and we can invite our Friends as well, maybe they wanna come with us camping, it's good be fun, and there's a river, so you can all get wet as well.

Ilulu: That sounds really fun!

Kanna: Really fun!

Tohru: Mmmm...camping does seem boring at first *But then again I get to spend more time with Miss Kobayashi! So yeah, picnic camping with her can be more fun!* You know what? We should go, it can be fun, a lot of fun!

Ilulu/Kanna: Yay!!

Kobayashi: Heh, Alright, it's settled then, let's pack some stuff that we need to take, and I'll make some calla to our friend to come with us.

Tohru: Okay.

Ilulu/Kanna: Okay!

And so, Tohru, Kanna, Ilulu and Kobayashi set to pack up their stuff to head over to picnic camp near the forests as Kobayashi also started making calls to their friends to come along as well...
Minutes later, Kobayashi was the first one to get ready as she sat down on the couch and waited for Tohru and the girls to pack up still...she waited for them as she watched a little bit of TV..she then started watching this show that was about to end any minute...the show contained two the rain as the two were confessing each other towards their feelings...which kinda got Kobayashi's attention for some she watched the two couples confessing their feelings together caring and the couples slowly approach to each other...wrapped their arms towards each other...and to land their lips connected for a kiss as they showed their true love's kiss...and ended the show...
Kobayashi turned off the she leaned back the couch...and gave a sigh after watching that show about the couples...watching them made her she's never gotten anything like that beofre, sure she has friends like Takiya, Tohru and others...but there's one thing she has never experienced in her, knwinf she has been living alone all by herself before meeting Tohru...not even once in her lifetime...and that made her feel...down a bit as she had her head down...and says...

Dragon Maid Presents: Kobayashi x Male Kaiju ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now