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2 days have passed now, after Kobayashi and the others have witness to see not only a monster, but a Kaiju monster, appearing in the forest, who she thought he would have been a huge problem...but was wrong after all, all the Kaiju monster ever wanted was peace and quiet to himself to live on...and that got Kobayashi thinking...maybe he ain't that bad after all when she met Tohru and the others, especially Ilulu knowing at first she wanted to destroy the city...but has changed fast knowing she was forced to kill she thinks that maybe...she can help (YN) help live in the city...and not just maybe...she may have let him live in her own one day, it was a Monday as Kobayashi has head to work, as Tohru stayed home cleaning her apartment and making dinner later on, Kanna at school, and Ilulu at work with Taketo as one day at Kobayashi's job, where she works as a computer programmer in Jigokumeguri System Engineering Inc, alongside with Takiya and Elma...later that day, it was night time as 30 minutes remain before heading home...Kobayashi started to stretch her back and arms after completing all her assignments...

Takiya: Done already Huh?

Kobayashi: Yup, and they seem simple enough as well, besides the ones in the after noon, their were a pain in the ass, but got through it.

Takiya: Nice, say after this, wanna head over the restaurant and get some drinks?

Kobayashi: Aw man, that really sounds good to go...but I have..things to go and do something.

Takiya: Woah really?? That's something new from you, what's This thing you gotta take care of??

Kobayashi: Well...Damn, look can you bear me on this please??

Takiya: O-Oh, sure yeah, no problem, what is it???

Kobayashi: ...Im gonna go back to the forest and find that monster guy from Saturday.

Takiya gaps...

Takiya: Y-You what?!?

Elma: You what?!?

Elma Appeared passing by Tohru and Takiya as she also heard Kobayashi heard about it...

Elma: M-Miss Kobayashi! Don't tell me your going back and gonna see HIM again?!

Takiya: You gotta be insane if your gonna look for him again, I mean sure he can also turn back into his human form, but what if he tries hurting it goes you?!

Kobayashi: Geez guys don't worry, hehe, I just wanna have a chat with him, that's all.

Elma: And that "Chat" is gonna end up hurting you! Miss Kobayashi, I know you're trying to think he's a good guy, but he isn't! He's a monster and can kill you within seconds!

Kobayashi: Hey, easy you two, okay? Look...all I'm saying, is I just wanna have a talk with him, besides, if he would have hurt me back then, he would have done it when he had the chance, but he didn't, right when he try stomping us, and I...well stopped him, and he did...which was...surprise and really confusing at first...but he did listen, and if he listen to me back then, then he can listen to me today when I talk to him.

Takiya: ...I can't believe a 50 million ton of  monster like him listen to you from killing us.

Elma: ...I'm surprised too...

Kobayashi: Mmhmm.

Elma: But-

Kobayashi: But nothing Elma, I'll do what I have to do, and if you guys don't still like me to go alone...then I'll just have to bring you two along.

Dragon Maid Presents: Kobayashi x Male Kaiju ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now