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As we left off, (YN) was home alone in Kobayashi's he was sitting down on the sofa, thinking about what Tohru said about making himself useful and repay Kobayashi for doing his favor...

(YN): Return the favor she says...well Kobayashi did do me that favor. And I haven't return the favor for her. So what the hell should I do for her??

(YN) then looks at the he then gets up and walks over to the kitchen and looks around, the dishes, microwave, stove and fridge...

(YN): Ah yes, the kitchen. I heard humans be here to cook their food, which implies breakfast, lunch, and dinner. It's interesting how humans like Kobayashi manage to use these tools to make their food with these amazing objects they have.

And so..he brings up an idea. He now knows how to refine the favor to Kobayashi...

(YN): Aha! Maybe if I cook something for her...and for her friends...maybe we can be even. Alright let's see what we got inside that they call it "fridge".

He opens the fridge door and yet to see some foods in there to cook...he also checks the cabinets and to have can of foods as well...

(YN): Hmmm. This has decent amount food to cook. But...if I'm going to cook food for Kobayashi...then how the hell should I start off with??

(YN) then looks at the TV...he approaches to it and grabs the remote...

(YN): Hmmm. Maybe if this Television tool can show me where the cooking channel is, I might be able to cook something for Kobayashi. Okay let's do you turn it on.

(YN) looks at the he sees the power button...he presses it as the TV turns on...

(YN): Got it, now...let's see...these positive and negative buttons shows different types of buttons, one is for volume, the other is for changing the channel. So let's see this one...

He presses the positive button...and changes one channel up...

(YN): Ah, there we go. Now let's find the cooking channel.


(YN) was in the floor, sitting down, twitching one eye as he had an anger and annoyed face as he kept changing the channel as he started clenching the remote and close to braking it...

(YN): I swear...if this freaking television does not gives me what I want, I will the destroy it and-

As soon he changes to a channel...he then finds a channel, he finds a channel where sees a man cooking some food and looking for grabbing the lamb sauce...

(YN): *takes one deep breathe in...and out* ...Finally!!!!!

He then gets up from the floor...

(YN): Okay now, let's see. He's about to make something new again. I have to see every cooking skills of his so I can do the same to cook.


More hours later, (YN) was on the sofa, still watching the cooking show for 3 straight hours as it already ended...

(YN): Hm. The human's cooking skills is pretty amazing, but why does the chef bother screaming at the other cooks? There's no reason for him to scream and yell and get angry at them...and why can't he find the lamb sauce himself? Meh, who cares, as long I've observe every cooking skills from that show, I'll be good to cook myself.

Dragon Maid Presents: Kobayashi x Male Kaiju ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now