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The next day, it was a sunny day as Kanna and Ilulu were both watching TV together as for Kobayashi and (YN), the two were sitting together as well as the two looked at each other and gave each other a soft smile as Ilulu and Kanna both looked at Kobayashi and (YN) with a smug look...

Kobayashi: Heh, heh you two, what's with the look?

Ilulu: Oh nothing, it's just that you two have been getting real close Lately.

Kanna: Yeah, like if you two like each other now.

The two loooed at each other as Kobayashi blushes and smiles nervously and (YN) smiles...

Kobayashi: O-Oh come on you two, it's nothing like that.

Ilulu: Really?? Then what do you call "THAT" then??

(YN): ....I don't know. Kobayashi insist to cuddle-

Kobayashi: *blushing* O-Okay! Okay! Hehe...I just wanted to sit with him...cause your taking the space of the sofa.

Ilulu: ...There's literally room for 4 people.

Kobayashi: ...Meh, don't care....say, I gotta ask, has any one of you seen Tohru??

Kanna: No, I think Tohru-Sama left to work with the maids I guess.

Kobayashi: Really?? That early and Without even saying goodbye?? Weird...and the fact it's Sunday, she doesn't work Sundays nor Saturdays.

(YN): ...Hm. That's weird.

Suddenly...Kobayashi's door bell rang as Kobayashi gets up and approached to open the she did...Fafnir appeared...

Kobayashi: Oh, Fafnir.

Fafnir: Afternoon any reason you're busy right here about now??

Kobayashi: not really. What's up??

Fafnir: What about-

(YN) then approach as well...

Fafnir: (YN).

(YN): Fafnir. What brings you here??

Fafnir: ...It's about Tohru.

Kobayashi: Tohru?! What happen?! Is she okay!? We haven't seen her since this morning!

Ilulu: What's going on???

Kanna: Is Tohru-Sama in danger??

Fafnir: No, she's fine....but there's a reason why I come over.

Kobayashi: Huh?? What do you mean???

Fafnir: ....Follow me.


Later on, in a continent where is nothing but pure land and grass only...a portal appeared as Fafnir, Kobayashi, (YN), Kanna and Ilulu appeared and arrive on the grass land...

(YN): Fafnir, what's the meaning of this?? Why bring us here?

Kobayashi: Yeah, what's going on anyways??? And where the heck is Tohru???

Fafnir: ...Over there.

Fafnir points where Kobayashi and them sees and happens to spot Tohru standing on the opposite direction, looking at the other way, and not facing towards them...

Dragon Maid Presents: Kobayashi x Male Kaiju ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now