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After letting (YN) in and convincing Tohru, Ilulu and Kanna about (YN) not being a threat at all, Ilulu and Kanna both agreed with Kobayashi about it, and yet to start to feel a bit comfortable having (YN) for Tohru...she still don't trust on (YN) very much...but she has to, to trust Kobayashi as later on that day, (YN) is now living in Kobayashi apartment, as Kobayashi was showing (YN) around her place...

Kobayashi: Well, that's pretty much everything to show you around.

(YN): ...So where you live??

Kobayashi: Yup. Them too.

(YN): ...I see.

(YN) suddenly then sees the TV, and to see people in them as he got closer to it and got on his knees and got closer to the screen...

(YN): Amazing! There's people in here! ...But they cannot see nor hear me..why is that??

Kobayashi: That's a Television, or TV in short, it's to watch shows or fantasy that isn't real on the world, like cartoons, shows, and more.

(YN): Interesting.

Tohru: *sighs* This is gonna take some time...

Kobayashi: Don't worry, it'll take him at least a day or so to get use to around here and the city too. Okay so, (YN).

(YN): Hm??

Kobayashi: Okay, now that I let you live're gonna have to obey the rules I have here.

(YN): What??? Me??? Obey you?? A human giving orders to the king of monsters??? *snickers* You're joking, right??


Kanna: Tohru-Sama, calm down

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Kanna: Tohru-Sama, calm down.

Ilulu: Cool it Tohru.

Tohru: Hmph!

Kobayashi: Okay Okay...I understand, your the king and all, but even though, you're not in your world no more...your in my world, and your living under with me.

(YN): ....Tch. Fine....What "rules" do I have to follow.

Kobayashi: Well it's simple: don't make a mess, clean up yourself, and nice to everyone here that lives here, and also visitors too.

(YN): ...Fine.

Kobayashi: Cool, glad you understand-

Suddenly...(YN)'s stomach growls...

Kobayashi: Oh man, someone hungry, hehe.

Tohru: Hmph, not my problem.

Kobayashi: Tohru!

Tohru: O-Oops! S-Sorry, Hehe.

Kobayashi: *sighs* Welp, I am starving too.

(YN): Don't worry, I'll just go back and get some fishes at the lake and eat some.

Dragon Maid Presents: Kobayashi x Male Kaiju ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now