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Couple days have pass now ever since the incident that happen with Kobayashi being kidnapped and thanks to (YN) saving her...(YN) was now being more secured and protective to Kobayashi now...Kobayashi was okay with it, but there's times where she doesn't need him to protect her, like going to work of course, and (YN) understood...
so one night, (YN) was in the living room as he was alone as he was watching TV...Tohru was at the café working with the maids, Kanna and Ilulu are sleeping over at Saikawa's and Kobayashi working still at her job...(YN) was watching TV as we Kobayashi then arrived home at first and brought a bag with her as well..(YN) stood up and walks over to her...

Kobayashi: I'm home.

(YN): Kobayashi, you came. How's a work?

Kobayashi: Work was alright, nothing much to do so I can early.

(YN): Thats good to hear.

(YN) notices the bag she has in her hand...

(YN): Say, what you got in that bag??

Kobayashi: Oh this?? There's drinks here, I was thinking about drinking after work knowing tomorrow is the weekend. So I deceive to drink up.

(YN): Oh, I see.

Kobayashi: Yup, say, want one??

(YN): Oh, sure yeah.

Kobayashi then takes out a can of beer and hands it to (YN) as (YN) started to observe the drink...he was confused at first knowing he doesn't know where to drink...

Kobayashi: Hehe, here, you open it like this.

Kobayashi tales another beer for herself and shows (YN) how to open it, so (YN) opens the camera of beer of how Kobayashi opens it...soon he realizes he can drink it now as Kobayashi drinks hers first...

Kobayashi: Ahh, good. Try it, you'll like it.

(YN) then takes a sip at first...after that...he then chugs it owning it was actually good for him...he finishes it..

(YN): Mmmm. It's...good.

Kobayashi: Heh, told ya....Say...wanna drink with me??

(YN): ...Yeah, sure.


Later on that night...Kobayashi was already drunk, and so as (YN) as the two were sitting down on the ground...

Kobayashi: Hahaha! Aw man! What way to start off the weekend of drinking!

(YN): Haha! You said it! These drinks you call "beer" are really good!

Kobayashi: *giggles* Told you it's good, dummy.

(YN) and Kobayashi laughed together as they kept on drinking more and more beer together...and started ranting about stupid stuff...

Kobayashi: They should give me more respect! I've bust my ass at my job a lot of times! Sheesh the nerve of them!

(YN): Yeah! You tell em! Or I'll have to deal with them myself! B-But hey hey *hiccup* Did you know...I had to fight against this big ass monke!?

Kobayashi: *gasps loudly* Really?!

(YN): Yeah, he was a stupid ape, but hell he was strong, but I still beat his ass and showed him what's up!

Kobayashi: That's right! You show him who's the king of monsters! Yeah!!!

(YN): Yeah boooooiiiii!!!!!!

Dragon Maid Presents: Kobayashi x Male Kaiju ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now