Chp.23 The Aftermath

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After defeating Space Godzilla, (YN) has gain victory and remains to be the king of the monsters and yet to be undefeated still...a couple of Kaiju monsters suddenly appeared out of nowhere...and yet...they bowed to (YN), to their king, and acknowledging them....after that, Maurice luckily and relief was okay as well as (YN) introduces Kobayashi, Tohru and Lucoa to him, afterwards, Kobayashi then was relief to see (YN) again and yet happy as well as she and (YN) both hugged together, so much happy that they were glad to see each other for Tohru...she then came face to face with (YN) as she then deeply apologize to him for e he urging she has caused back there during their battle, she regretted everything she has done, every single of it...she felt very awful as well about it....
(YN) then gave her a soft smile as he then forgave her...even though she really didn't mean it at all, he knew Tohru was a nice person and wasn't that bad at all...
So, now that everything is settled, (YN) plans to go back with Kobayashi to her for Maurice, he decides to stay at his world and stay with the other Kaiju monsters and lead them wherever they go, who knows, as they said their goodbyes to each other, Lucoa summoned a portal to lead them back to earth, as she did, she, Tohru, Kobayashi and (YN) arrived to Takiya's house as everyone was there, Elma, Fafnir, Takiya, Saikawa, Kanna, Ilulu, Taketo, and Shouta...they were all surprised to see (YN) coming back again, Ilulu and Kanna were happy to see him again, Elma as well, Fafnir too, everyone else of course...after (YN) arriving back to Kobayashi's world, he then arrive back to Kobayashi's place and yet to be relied to be there...Kobayashi was also relief to have him back as well as he and her both smiled at each other, and hugged together...Ilulu and Kanna were happy to see them smiling togther again and relief that their happy as well....
As for Tohru, she was too also happy for the two of them, especially Kobayashi of course...and everything was now back to good and normal again....

Couple of days later, it was the weekend, Saturday, and night as well, Everyone were doing their own things, Fafnir and Takiya hanging out as best buddies at their place, Ilulu and Kanna sleeping over at Saikawa's, Taketo helping his grandma, Lucoa and Shouta...well just being at home, Elma and Takiya working at their jobs knowing they were chosen to work on a Saturday, Tohru as well working with the as for Kobayashi and (YN)...the two were at the apartment, as they were both sitting at the couch together, watching TV and eating some snacks as well...

Kobayashi: Heh, this parts kinda funny, those two guys caused the other one to fall by moving the ladder and falling to a puddle of cow crap.

(YN): Heh, nice.

Kobayashi then realizes that leaning against (YN)'s body made her feel really comfortable, like if she's leaning against a giant pillow...

Kobayashi: *blushing* H-Hey, (YN)...I never knew your body can be this...soft, and hard at the same time. Really comfortable.

(YN): Hehe, glad to hear.

Kobayashi: No, serious like, how??

(YN): Heh, you tell me.

Kobayashi: Hehe.

Kobayashi suddenly started to get more and really comfortable to (YN) as she blushes and smiles as (YN) blushes a little...and gives a soft smile...

(YN): ...Feeling comfortable?

Kobayashi: Yeah. I mean...I wanna use it real quick but I don't wanna get up.

Dragon Maid Presents: Kobayashi x Male Kaiju ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now