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As we left off...Tohru, Elma and Fafnir were dealing against the Kaiju monster that somehow out of nowhere was living in the woods here on earth on Tokyo, they knew who he is and what he's capable of, so they had to get rid of him, unfortunately they couldn't, he was too overpowers and too strong for them to fight him...thh the e monster was about to kill them...until then...

Kobayashi: STOOOP!!!!!!

The monster heard Kobayashi yell, as he then backed away, and stares down at her as she was standing aside Tohru...

Tohru: M-Miss Kobayashi! What are you doing?!

Kobayashi: ...I-I really don't know! B-But gut is telling me to talk it over to the monster...! It's so stupid for me to do that...b-but I don't k ow why I'm doing it..!

Lucoa: N-No Kobayashi! Don't do anything that'll trigger him-

???: You!

Everyone stood the monster glaring down at Kobayashi...

???: You have guts to talk back to a monster like me. Tell me, give me a reason why I should NOT kill you.

Kobayashi: *Oh goes nothing...* Listen! ...they've told me what you're capable of...and what you're known I standing tall against you...I want you to stop this!

Everyone gasped in shocked...

Tohru: M-Miss Kobayashi!!!

Elma: Wh-Why!?!?

Fafnir: We're doomed...!

???: *growls* You may have guts...but that is pretty bold of you to talk to me, to the king of monsters!

Kobayashi: I-I do! And so what?! What's the point of you being here anyways?!? Why are you even here?!? What you're doing is terrorizing the forest and scaring this children! So tell me! Why are you here...and what is your reason to be here?!

The monster stood he took a big sigh...and replies...

???: All I ever wanted...was peace.

Kobayashi: E-Ehh???

Tohru: Wh-What???!

Lucoa: I-I don't get it...

???: ...In my world...I was born and raised by a destruction of a radioactive meteor that crash to my world..the radioactive meteor mange absorb me...and I've grown to become a Kaiju monster. I've lived peace and harmony in my world, looking at the skies...looking at the sun to set up...and set down. But...things I wasn't the only the meteor began to make more and more Kaiju monsters...and these monsters...were powerful and strong, at first I didn't knew...up until I have to fight them. I only fight them so I can teach them to leave me alone...but they couldn't stop...they kept coming and coming after me, and never gave I did was the only thing that has to be done...kill them, and never leave one single of them breathe....and that's why I was known to be "King Of The Monsters" the word has spread every other worlds as well...and...I had to leave my world..knwinf it was destroyed and terrorize from the fights I had against the monsters...and so...I've found this world, peace, quiet, and living as would seem I was wrong already... knowing that these dragons have bothered me once more, and know me very well.

They all stood quiet...

???: And now...since you all distributed my sleep I have been peacefully would seem like you are challenging me to a fight! But...look at you all, I've beaten you like nothing...and now, I shall kill you!

Dragon Maid Presents: Kobayashi x Male Kaiju ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now