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Lucoa: *giggles* Here he comes.

Kobayashi: Wh-Wha-

Suddenly, the ground started to shake, more like an earthquake...until suddenly...from the ground...a wave of lava burst out from the ground as suddenly, the one, the only, (YN), Godzilla, in his Kaiju monster merge out from the ground as his whole body was nothing but covered in Lava, more over, his whole body is made out of Lava...

a wave of lava burst out from the ground as suddenly, the one, the only, (YN), Godzilla, in his Kaiju monster merge out from the ground as his whole body was nothing but covered in Lava, more over, his whole body is made out of Lava

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Space Godzilla: Wh-What the hell?!? How?!? Impossible!!!

Kobayashi: (Y-YN)!!!!

Tohru: He's alive!!!

Lucoa: Hehe, told ya.

(YN) suddenly gave himself a big leap as he jumped all the way to the air, as he suddenly started to fall back to the ground, and yet to go back into his human form and landed on the ground in feet, as his body was still made out of lava, he then looks at Space Godzilla, glaring him down with his Kaiju eyes...

Space Godzilla: N-Nrrgh!!! You should have been dead for good!!

(YN): ...

Space Godzilla: Nrrgh!! Hey, say something when I'm talking to you damn it!!!

(YN): ...

Space Godzilla: Nrgh!! You bastard!!!

Space Godzilla rushes at (YN) as he swings a brutal punch to his face, but (YN) suddenly shrug that punch off...

Space Godzilla: Wh-What?!? How the-

Suddenly, Space Godzilla realizes that the hand he used to punch (YN) started to burn, and yet started to melt slowly as well as he can feel the burn and pain l, his hand melting slowly...

Space Godzilla: A-AGH!!! M-My's burning?! How-


(YN) then quickly throws a powerful punch towards Space Godzilla's face, that punch made Space Godzilla spit bit of blood out from his mouth, (YN) then grabs his head as he gives him a brutal Headbutt as well to his forehead as Space Godzilla's skull can be heard beating crack a bit...

Space Godzilla: A-AAAGH!! Damn you-

(YN) again swings another powerful punch towards Space Godzilla's gut, and yet to burn his gut as well, afterwards, (YN) grabs his whole face and tosses him far away with such strength....after tossing him away, (YN) looks at his hands to see he was made out of lava, and can control it very well...

(YN): Well, this is something new. Should be useful.

Suddenly, he's realizes Lucoa, Tohru and Kobayashi behind him as he was looking at Kobayashi hurt, as Kobayashi stares back at him, smiling, reliefs, and emotional at the same time...

Dragon Maid Presents: Kobayashi x Male Kaiju ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now