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(YN): ...If that's the case and what you make you feel better and happier...I shall leave her world then.

(YN) stood up as he lets go of he then turns around and heals his wounds after his fight with Tohru...She also got up from her fight...suddenly, Fafnir, Ilulu Kanna and Kobayashi came in rush...

Ilulu: H-Hey you two!! Are you done fighting?!?

(YN): ...Yea, we are definitely are.

Kobayashi: Tohru, are you alright??!

Tohru: Y-Yeah, I'm fine Miss Kobayashi, thank you.

Kobayashi then turns and sees (YN) as she realizes that he wasn't looking at her at all...

Kobayashi: Hey...(YN).??

(YN) stood quiet, as he turns around, stares at Kobayashi was an upset look on his face...

Kobayashi: H-Hey, what's the matter??? Why the face??

(YN): ...Kobayashi...I don't know how to say this...but...I'm gonna leave.

Kobayashi: Eh?? Wait, you can't leave yet, I need an explanation now! Tohru, why the hell did you all suddenly-

(YN): No, Kobayashi, I don't mean leave like that. I meant....*sighs* I meant to say that I'm...leaving your world...and never coming back.

Ilulu and Kanna gasped for Kobayashi...she then gave out a quiet shocked on her face after hearing that from (YN)...

Kobayashi: ...Wh-What??? What do you mean-

(YN): You heard me...I'm leaving your world, and never coming back. I won't repeat myself again.

Kobayashi: ...H-Hey, hehe...your joking me aren't you??

(YN) stood he was serious about Kobayashi says...

Kobayashi: N-No!! No, why all of the sudden you wanna leave?!? Y-You can't leave! I-I mean there's so much going on!! I-I mean if there's something bothering you that you don't like, I can handle it and-

(YN): Kobayashi...please, don't make me repeat it again, I hate repeating myself....please.

Kobayashi: N-No! Y-You cannot leave! You can't!! Wh-What made you wanna leave?!?

(YN) looks at Tohru stood quiet...and (YN) looks back at Kobayashi and says...

(YN): ...Why don't you ask her? Maybe she'll give you your answer.

Kobayashi: Wh-Wha....??? T-Tohru??? Wh-What did you told him...??

Tohru: ...

Kobayashi: Tohru!! Answer me now!!

Tohru: O-Okay fine! But I didn't told him to leave! It was whatever....b-but the only thing that bothers me is him always being around you!! He's always got your attention, and everything!! And as goes for me,  I felt like I was being ignored and not being having attention at all! 

Kobayashi was really disconnect of what Tohru is saying...

Kobayashi: S-So all this...all this was because of HIM?!?  Why the hell will-

(YN): Kobayashi...

Kobayashi: ...E-Eh??

(YN): ...It's okay...if Tohru doesn't want me here...I understand...

Kobayashi: N-No! Hey Dont! Don't listen to her! She's just saying nonsense, she can be like this sometimes! Y-Yeah, that's it! She's like this and doesn't mean to-

(YN): ENOUGH!!!!

With a loud scream and causing a wind wave around, it caused Kobayashi and the others to trip over to the ground by the Kobayashi was starting to get emotional and (YN) really upset to leave her forever...

(YN) then started walking away as he then stood he lifted his palm straight and summoned a portal to his world where he was born...

Kobayashi: N-No please! Don't leave!!

Kobayashi started to crawl to stop (YN), but Fafnir stopped her...

Kobayashi: F-Fafnir!! What the hell!?! Let go!!

Fafnir: ....I'm sorry, but I cannot.

Kobayashi: What?!? Hey!! Let go of me damn it! Let go!!! (YN)!! Don't leave!!! Don't go!! Stay...S-Stay...!

Kobayashi was already shedding tears with such emotion tone as she then started to collapse to the floor on her knees and Fafnir letting her go....she started to cry for (YN), begging him not to (YN) then looks back at Kobayashi...seeing her on the he walks up to her, as he stood in front of her, Kobayashi looks up, as (YN) gently picks her up from the ground, holding her hands as he then surprisingly hugs her, as Kobayashi stood she started to get more emotional and sheds more tears  as (YN) says...

(YN): ...Thank you, for everything, Kobayashi.

After the hug, (YN) slowly backed away as he and Kobayashi was still holding (YN) slowly takes his hand away from Kobayashi's hand as (YN) then enters the portal...looks back at Kobayashi one more time...and gives her a soft smile and a little wave for his gobble to his portal then closes....
And was gone.

As the portal closes and (YN) left for good...Kobayashi was still on the ground on her she was quietly sobbing and crying on the ground...Kanna and Ilulu run up to her as the two started picking her up and holding her onto her arms as Tohru slowly approaches to Kobayashi behind...but suddenly, Kanna and Ilulu both glare at Tohru with a disappointment face as Tohru backed away slowly...

Tohru: M-Miss Koba-

Ilulu: Don't even say another've said enough.

Kanna: ...Butt head.

Ilulu and Kanna continue holding on Kobayashi on her arms as they started waking away as they waited for Fafnir to open the portal to earth...Fafnir then approaches to Tohru and says...

Fafnir: ...Well, you got what you want. Now, let's go home.

Fafnir then opens the portal as they all entered....and Tohru...entered last as she felt really bad...for not only making a wrong move and mistake...but also ruining Kobayashi's relationship with (YN)...
Later on that was night...Ilulu and Kanna were in Kobayashi's room as Tohru was on the couch, sitting she felt really bad still after what she did...and ruining everything...suddenly...she notices Kanna and Ilulu getting out from Kobayashi's room as she stood up and wanted to see Kobayashi how she was feeling...but Kanna and Ilulu stops her...

Ilulu: Hey, where do you think you're going?

Tohru: I wanna see how Miss-

Ilulu: Awful, really awful and depressed. And she needs some alone time, so do yourself a favor and let her be...otherwise you'll make her more angry and you did earlier. Tch, I'm going to sleep already.

Ilulu with crossed arms she walks away...Then Tohru realizing seeing Kanna, as Kanna then was also upset with she stuck her tongue at her and leaves with Ilulu to their rooms...after that, Tohru then heard something inside Kobayashi's room....the then places her ear to the door to listen...and hears Kobayashi quietly sobbing still...missing (YN)...Tohru then felt bad for Kobayashi, for what she did, for getting rid of (YN)...for something stupid that made her feel...the hated person they see her all she can lean behind the door...sit down...and feel bad for herself after what she did....

Tohru: ....What have I done....


Dragon Maid Presents: Kobayashi x Male Kaiju ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now