Chp.2 Enter The King Of The Monsters

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As we left off...Kobayashi and her friends were having a picnic camping together...until they got the find themselves a humungous monster, living in the woods...the monster notice them on the he glares at them with his vicious eyes, gives a menace growl...Saikawa, Kanna, Ilulu, Taketo and Shouta were scared out of their life's...Elma, Fafnir, Takiya and Lucoa just stood there, starting back at the huge monster, not loving at all, giving a fear of for Tohru and Kobayashi...they were scared as well, and don't wanna move at all...

Kobayashi: Wh-Wh-What the...What the that?!?

Suddenly, Tohru with fear in her eyes says...

Tohru: N-No...b-but how?! How them here?!? And why?!?

Kobayashi: Wh-What?! who this freakin monster is!?!

Tohru: ...Y-Yea..I-I do...we all do..!

Kobayashi.m: Y-You guys too!?

Fafnir: ...Yes, we do...!

Lucoa: I-I just never get to see person..! It's even...more scarier...and frightening...!

Kobayashi: ...C-Can you guys at least tell me what the hell is that?!

Tohru: I-It's a marine monster...


Elma: Yes...he's a destructive, prehistoric sea monster awakening...he's known to be a Kaiju monster as well...

Fafnir: And...he is known to be called "King Of The Monsters."

Lucoa: In his is filled with dangerous monsters like him, huge ones to be known as Kaiju monsters as well, such as Rodan, Gigan, Destoroyah, Megalon, King Caesar, King Ghidorah...and Kong, and many more...

Kobayashi: W-Wait hold on! Th-There's more monsters like that in his world?!

Elma: Y-Yeah..!

Kobayashi: Th-Then wouldn't that mean more will come to here?! I mean he's here, and more will come!?!

Tohru: M-Miss...Kobayashi...y-you don't get it...there's a reason...why he's called "King Of The Monsters"..

Kobayashi: H-Huh??

Fafnir: ...All the Kaiju monsters in his world...were killed by him.

Kobayashi's eyes were widen with shocked and surprised...

Kobayashi: Wh-What??!

Elma: A-All the monsters Lucoa told you...they all died, and killed by the hands of him..!

Kobayashi: What!!?

Tohru: He wanted to show all Kaiju monsters who their dealing with...and he did, he has killed every single one of them all by himself...even thought the other Kaiju monsters were powerful as well...this one has never given up nor backed down a fight...he kept fighting...and fighting...until they don't breathe at all...that's why he's known to be king, king of the monsters...

Kobayashi was shocked and fear to hear the story about the monster that she is standing in front of...she looked the monster kept glaring at them...soon she realizes Kanna, Ilulu, Saikawa, Shouta and Taketo shaking in fear from that monster...

Kobayashi: Tohru..we have to do something, we have to get out of here now!

Tohru: Wh-What?! Miss Kobayashi, are you insane?!

Elma: W-We can't run away! Not from him!

Lucoa: If we run, he'll just go after us and-

Suddenly...the huge monster suddenly gave a growl...and then spoke with its low and satanic dark voice...

Dragon Maid Presents: Kobayashi x Male Kaiju ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now