Chp.22 Long Live The King Of The Monsters

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Kobayashi then was running down as a bunch of smoke was appearing after the havoc both (YN) and Space Godzilla made...a lot of smoke and dust was cover up, she can barely see...

Kobayashi: (YN)!! (YN)!!

Tohru and Lucoa appeared as well...

Tohru: Miss Kobayashi!

Kobayashi: Wh-Where is he?! Why so much damn smoke everywhere?! I can't see him! (YN)!!

Lucoa: Hmmm. He must be around here somewhere.

Kobayashi: Mmmmm!

Suddenly, they all heard a soft growl not too far, as Kobayashi knew it might be (YN)...

Kobayashi: Th-That must be him!! (YN), hold on!! I'm coming!!

Tohru: W-Wait for us Miss Kobayashi!!

Kobayashi was then running down to follow the growl she heard not that far...suddenly, she then can see a huge silhouette, a huge head alike as she can see barely some eye color glowing and showing off a bit, she knew it can be (YN) and can't wait to see him...

Kobayashi: (YN)?! (YN)!! It's me, Kobayashi! I'm so glad that your okay and-

But as Kobayashi then got closer and closer to the huge head alike silhouette...she realizes that something wasn't right at all...the silhouette head she saw isn't (YN) at all, it was none other than Space Godzilla's Kaiju he was still knocked out, showing his whole Kaiju face from the smoke Kobayashi was shaking a bit of fear as Tohru and Lucoa also appeared and were shocked to see Space Godzilla's Kaiju face...

Tohru: Th-Thats not...(YN)...!

Kobayashi: N-No!! I-Impossible! H-He could've not die again that easily! He wouldn't!

Suddenly, they all realize to see Space Godzilla waking up as he was slowly opening his eyes...and as he did, he then slowly looks around, and to see Lucoa Tohru and Kobayashi as they were standing still...
Suddenly, Space Godzilla gave a loud pain scream all of the the smoke was clearing away, Kobayashi, Lucoa and Tohru were able to see clearly, that Space Godzilla's whole head, was being ripped apart, and yet to have its neck onto (YN)'s whole mouth as (YN) stood up, having Space Godzilla's whole face on his mouth....

Space Godzilla: A-AAAAAGH!!! N-NOOO!! This cannot be!! I-I can't lose like this!! Not at all!!


(YN) then was charging up his atomic breathe slowly and slowly....until he then blasts his atomic breathe to Space Godzilla's whole face...


And yet...(YN) has killed Space Godzilla with his Atomic breathe, burning his whole head into ashes as he finally have won the fight...he then shakes his head and was relief it was over...suddenly...he notiecs looking down to see Kobayashi and Kobayashi then slowly approaches to (YN) she gave a soft emotional smile...and hugging him towards his huge feet...

Kobayashi: I'm so happy your alive, and not dead...

(YN) felt...happy and relief to see her again...

(YN): But...I don't understand...

Tohru: Y-Yeah...(YN) see...I wanna apologize for everything that happen back-

Dragon Maid Presents: Kobayashi x Male Kaiju ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now