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It was night already, as Tohru was walking back and forth on the living room, worried for Kobayashi and felt bad for arguing with her as well...

Tohru: Mmmmmm. Where could she??! It's night and hasn't came back ever since this afternoon. And the fact he left with (YN)!

Kanna: Tohru-sama, do you think something bad happen to them??

Ilulu: You don't think Kobayashi lost (YN) in the city no?? I mean he hasn't even gone to the city before.

Tohru: No that can't be, he isn't that dumb to get lost...especially he's with Miss Kobayashi of course. *Hopefully the bastard hasn't done nothing wrong to her."

And suddenly and with relief...(YN) has arrived home...and holding on Kobayashi onto his arms of course...

Tohru: Miss Kobayashi!!

Kanna/Ilulu: (YN)!

They all ran up to they all realize that Kobayashi had her eyes shut, trembling in fear, wearing (YN)'s shirt knowing hers got torn apart from cruel criminal that were about to rape her and wounded as well...

Tohru: Wh-What..M-Miss Kobayashi!?? What happen?!

(YN): ...She got kidnapped.

Tohru: Wh-What?!?

(YN): Do you not hear me female dragon?! She got kidnapped, by evil humans here that I don't know at all! She's trembling in fear and wounded badly...and I happen to saved her in time...but she's trembling in fear and wounded badly.

Tohru: What the?!? ...How the hell can you let that happened?!

(YN): What?!

Tohru: Don't play stupid! How can the king of the monsters, the most powerful Kaiju monster, let some humans tricked you and let poor Miss Kobayashi get kidnapped! Are you really that-

(YN): SHUT UP!!!!

With a loud yell, it gave out a loud echo as Kanna and Ilulu covered their ears and Tohru standing still and gasped..

(YN): ...Do you really think nows the time to argue with me?! No! Kobayashi needs help in need and your over here making an argument against me! Is that really what you care?! Arguing with me rather than helping her?! I didn't know what to do...but I did everything to save her!

Tohru: ...I-I-

(YN): Tch. Forget it okay?! Just focus on healing up Kobayashi's wounds and treat her good...can you at least do that?!

Tohru: ....O-Okay, yeah I can.

(YN): Hmph.

(YN) walks and heads over to Kobayashi's room as Kanna and Ilulu follows for Tohru...she stood there...and yet to feel bad the fact that she didn't even bother have gratitude to (YN) for saving her from the trouble she went through...

Dragon Maid Presents: Kobayashi x Male Kaiju ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now