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It's been a week now....a week ever since (YN) was gone from this world....all cause of me, and my stupid dumb actions I have caused...and now...Miss Kobayashi hates me...cause I threw him away...cause of the stupid actions I've done...I've ruined their relationship...she hasn't ate, she's always in her room, she doesn't wanted to talk to anyone...and she hasn't been gone to work for a week, and she kept on making up excuses of her absence of not coming to work, even Takiya is worried for her as well...everyone is...especially me....but all of this is happening...cause of me...I'm the one who did this...
What do I do now??? How should I talk to her knowing she's going through right now???


Tohru was sitting on the couch, worried and feeling bad for Kobayashi, knowing the terrible actions she's caused between their relationship of Kobayashi and (YN)...suddenly, Kanna and Ilulu came back home from Saikawa's house as the two arrive to the living room and sees Tohru as Tohru stood up...

Tohru: O-Oh hey you two, how was-

Ilulu: Good, we had fun, right Kanna.

Kanna: Mm.

Tohru: O-Oh...that good to hear...

Ilulu: Yeah.

Tohru: ...Uhm...I's odd to say this...b-but how's....Miss Koba-

Ilulu: Really?? You're seriously gonna ask us how is she?? After what you pulled back there??

Kanna: Totally not wicked.

Tohru: I-I...*sighs* Look I know I screw up big time...b-but I'm really worried for Miss Kobayashi!

Ilulu: And we are too...she would have never been like this if YOU would have never keep out your business.

Tohru: ....I-I just want things to go back how they were...I can't bear to be hated...and seeing Miss Kobayashi like I wanna say is...can you two at least go in....and ask her if it's okay for me to see her.

Kanna and Ilulu both looked at each other...and gave a sigh...

Ilulu: ...You better not screw this one up again.

Tohru: I-I won't! Promise!

Kanna: And not make Kobayashi cry again!

Tohru: I-I won't!

Both Ilulu and Kanna then nod as the two entered Kobayashi room...Tohru can hear them having a talk it took a moment for them to convince Kobayashi if Tohru can have a word with her...minutes later...the two came out from her room as Ilulu says...

Ilulu: ...She says you can come in...and...she doesn't sound too happy...just to let you know.

Tohru gulps as she then takes a deep breathe...

Tohru: Okay...I'll take care of it.

Ilulu: You better, come on Kanna.

Dragon Maid Presents: Kobayashi x Male Kaiju ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now