||Chapter 2||

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-Author's POV-

Madison wakes up the following morning to the sound of her phone blaring through the large bedroom. Groaning, she reaches under her pillow and squints at the screen.


She whimpers and answers it regardless.

"Hello?" Her voice croaks to life.

"Yes, Miss Madison?"


"This is Charlotte from the X Factor team. I just wanted to start off with a congratulations for getting this far in the competition" the kind woman speaks in a warm tone.

"Mm" Was the only reply the teen could voice. She loved her sleep. Charlotte laughs and continues her words.

"I also wanted to inform you that the next stage will be held in Wembly Arena, you're required to be there tomorrow at noon sharp"

"Thanks" She mutters sleepily, exhaustion putting her back to sleep with each ticking second.

"See you tomorrow"

"Mm bye" Ending the call, she falls back into her deep slumber. It was her escape, the dreams she'd find herself in never compared to reality. She had everything from an outsider looking in, but she wanted something that could never be bought. Love.


The day goes by fast for Madison. She'd slept in past two that afternoon, staying up and watching films wasn't the best idea. What was meant to be a family film night, turned into Madison watching the film whilst her parents replied to an overflow of emails. No cuddles were formed, it was her, the telly, and her favorite teddy tucked firmly in her arms.

"Noon! Not four!" The teen reminds her Mum.

"I know Madison, but if we can't make it at noon then we'll be there at that time. Why is it that early anyways?" Clara asks, sipping her steamy brew cautiously. The teen huffs and sits in the armchair, not surprised to hear her parents sat in the audience wasn't a sure thing.

"That's just the way it is Mum," She groans "You'll miss my audition if you's come that late. Just forget it" Looking away from her Mum's blue orbs, unable to look at them for too long. They always managed to make her feel insecure, she was a beautiful girl, but she didn't believe it. It was hard to accept the compliments, she'd say thank you; but mentally it wouldn't process to be accepted internally.

"We did want to come you know" Clara sets her drink down and beckons her daughter to sit beside her.

"We've had this meeting in the books for ages now" She tries to let her down easy.

"Not like you's are making world peace for Christ sake. It's just mobiles-"

"Wash your mouth" the mother jokes, "We've started one of the biggest corporations with just a mobile idea" Madison rolls her eyes, obviously not impressed with her parents success.

"I guess it's alright" She lies, biting her tongue in hopes to not show the insecurities. Confidence was always surrounding her in a family filled with accomplishments. Where did she fit into the mix? Fifteen and barely making grades. She's surprised her parents have yet to give her the 'talk' or was it they just didn't have time?

"If you make it past the auditions we'll be sure to come to the live shows" The mother speaks in an unlikely tone.

"And what if I don't make it that far?"

"Well, then I guess you can say you've tried? Right?" Madison nods with a fake smile. Standing up to her feet, she excuses herself with the manners her parents had taught her to use. She'd only ever displayed these manners to her parents, and the mother knew the teen was trouble. All Madison ever did was stir up some kind of mess, whether it was at school, or family gatherings that always turned into an argument on how to raise the teen.

I Don't Care - Cheryl Cole/Chim FanFic (GirlxGirl)Where stories live. Discover now