|| Chapter 137 ||

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Author's POV

Kimberley roused first that following morning, taking in the sunlight easing itself through their large bedroom windows. She remembers a time when Cheryl hated the curtains opened, but ever since Madison came into both of their lives... everything has changed for the better.

There seemed to always be a calm and tranquil ambiance in the house, almost as if peace had finally come. Cheryl and Kimberley would die for one another, but it just felt right, like a missing piece to their life was lost and had finally made its way back home to finish the masterpiece that is their family.

She sighs, a soft smile curling to her lips as she takes a long look at her sleeping wife.

Puffy lips adorning Cheryl's mouth, making them that much more kissable. She edges closer, gently, not wanting to wake up the sleeping Geordie, gingerly placing a featherlight kiss against Cheryl's lips.

The Geordie's lips unknowingly curl a smile, shuffling closer to her wife, even in her sleep she craved Kimberley's touch.

It was a perfect morning, filled with warmth and love.

Kimberley places another kiss to her wife's head, taking a tender intake of her wife's scent that she fell in love with.

Their night had come to an end.

So maybe she wasn't so bad, Kimberley had thought.

"Well that's us." Cheryl says, seeing her mansion coming into view.

"How do you live in a big old house all by yourself... don't you get lonely?"

Cheryl shrugs, "It gets lonely sometimes, but I have all me nice stuff keeping us company."

Kimberley rolls her eyes, "Just when I was starting to enjoy your company you go and say something like that and ruin it." She hated how arrogant Cheryl was, spoilt and never knowing the value of money.

"What?" Cheryl giggles, "Learn to live a little." She rolls her own eyes, and finally steps out of the car. "Have a good night!" She shuts the car door and sways her hips up the grand stairs.

I Don't Care - Cheryl Cole/Chim FanFic (GirlxGirl)Where stories live. Discover now