|| Chapter 167 ||

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A little break, but I'm back. Thank you for your endless messages and comments. I didn't realize there were so many of you that still read it, I truly thought nobody was enjoying it. Thank you again, here is chapter 167!



Author's POV

Madison giggles, attempting to put Lotus's collar on so they could go for their morning walk. She knew better, her Mam had specifically told her not to go for those walks without her. Cheryl realized how unsafe it was for a teenage girl to be walking the streets before the sun had fully come up. But Madison was stubborn, and she wanted to walk her now growing puppy before school that early morning.

She casually walks out of the house, with Lotus leading the way, she hums with a smile on her face. Things have come to a full turn in her life, she can't remember the last time being so at peace in her own body, her own home, her own life.

These walks were good for her, it was an opportunity to clear her mind, the crisp morning air making it that much more better.

She sighs, smiling. The sun was slowly creeping up, she did love watching the sunrise, but sadly couldn't indulge in it for too long as school had taken over her life.

"Good morning." A friendly stranger smiles, he too walking his dog.

"Good morning." Madison returns the smile, walking in the opposite direction of the stranger. She did love this neighborhood, it was quiet and everyone seemed to wear a smile.

Her parents did a good job with picking out this location.

She returns to their gated home, making sure to close the gate behind her. She wished her walks could last awhile longer, but she didn't like being late to school.

"Come on, baby." She coos, climbing the staircase from the back entrance of their home.

"Madison!" Was the first thing to be heard when she walked into the house, already knowing she was in sh*t.

"I know I know—"

"I'm not having this conversation with you again!" Cheryl says seriously, following her daughter to the teens room. "Do you want to be grounded? You want us to be the bad guy right now—"

"Nothing happened!" Madison shrieks.

"Something could have happened—"

Madison sighs, "Okay, I'm sorry—"

"No! You said that last time!"

"Okay, well, next time I won't."

Cheryl furrows her eyebrows, "Go take a shower you stink." She walks out, leaving Madison alone.

The Teen rolls her eyes and quickly goes into her ensuite for a shower, needing to get ready for school. By the time she showered and got dressed, she could smell breakfast being made, instantly returning a smile to her face.

She keeps the towel wrapped around her head, putting minimal makeup on. Towel drying her hair, she heads downstairs, dressed and ready to go.

"Smells good." Madison smiles, walking into the kitchen where her Mam was platting up some food for her.

"I should let you starve."


"Don't start. Just eat your food so I can take you to school."

Madison huffs, sitting on the breakfast table and eating the delicious breakfast her Mam has made.

"So, you're just going to stand there?" Madison asks, eating her food.

I Don't Care - Cheryl Cole/Chim FanFic (GirlxGirl)Where stories live. Discover now