|| Chapter 164 ||

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Author's POV

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Author's POV


Cheryl shoots up from the couch, rushing out of the front room just as her daughter came down the grand stairs.

"What? What is it?"

"Why did you post that of me?!" Madison holds her phone, showing the photo Cheryl had taken just before her nap.

"What? It's cute." Cheryl argues.

"It's just another fcuking thing for everyone to point out!" She snaps, on the brink of tears. "Delete it."

"Why?" Cheryl frowns, unsure why her daughter was getting so emotional over a picture.

"Because! Everyone's going to see it and I'll be a comedy show tomorrow for them."

Cheryl sighs, "Babe." She begins.

"No! Delete it." Madison says end of. "I already have people who've followed me since you posted that picture. It's probably all of them!"

"Alright fine." Cheryl huffs, walking away. "Just let people control you, yeah?"

Madison rolls her eyes; her Mam was never going to get it. Cheryl was always the popular girl in school, someone like her could never relate. The teen had thought.

"I'm not letting anyone control me." Madison explains, "I, I just don't need that kind of attention."

"What's all the shouting for?" Kimberley descends the stairs, towel drying her wet hair. "What happened this time?"

"Mam posted a picture of me without asking."

"Aw," Kimberley stands beside the frowning teen. "It was a cute picture. I approve."

"See!" Cheryl storms out of the kitchen, "I told you!" She points a finger. "I'm not deleting it."

"You can't post something against my own will. It's my right!"

"Technically, it's not... I'm your Mam."


"And you're a minor so your opinion doesn't count—"

Kimberley steps in, "Better not say something you'll regret." She stops her wife. "Maddy, babe. What makes you think any of those kids aren't dying to be your friend?"

"Because! They've been making bloody comments at me all fcuking day!" She snaps, confessing. "It's not fun. I don't want to go anymore!" She lets the tears be known. "Leave me alone." She pushes her Mum away, but Kimberley pulls her back into a tight hold until she let it all out.

The married couple share a look, sympathy.

"You know what," Kimberley pulls her away, looking into her daughters' tearful green eyes. She swipes her thumbs across her delicate, tear stained cheeks, "Fcuk them. They wish they could be your friend, they wish they could have this life and they fcuking wish they could spend a minute in your shoes. Don't let them ruin your mood just because they're fcuking jealous of everything you have. That's what bullies do. They bully someone because they're jealous of them. Don't let them win and if you have to kick some arses along the way then be my fcuking guest."

I Don't Care - Cheryl Cole/Chim FanFic (GirlxGirl)Where stories live. Discover now