|| Chapter 171 ||

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Author's POV

Madison walks ahead of her parents, not really bothered to spend time with them. Kimberley gives her daughter the space she needed, although neither her wife nor daughter wanted anything to do with her.

"Are you comfortable?" She asks Cheryl, who was sat in a wheelchair as she pushed her around.

Cheryl doesn't reply.

She huffs, looking over her shoulder to Joe, their new security. All Kimberley wanted to do was give her family a day where they could spend together and enjoy the warm sunshine.


"Yes?" He steps closer to Kimberley,

"Do you mind pushing my grumpy wife?"

"Uh excuse us?"

"Not a problem."

Kimberley ignores the Geordie and speeds up to Madison. "Hey." She smiles. "You still upset?"

Madison shrugs, looking around at her surroundings.

"You know she's just—"

"Hormonal?" Madison rolls her eyes, "It's fine." She lies, putting her sunglasses on. "I'm glad it's not busy today." She changes the subject.

"Have you been here before?" Kimberley asks, daringly wrapping an arm around her daughter's shoulder.

Madison allows it.

"Mum and Dad brought Chris and I here before, but that was a long time ago."

"Did you like it?"

"From what I remember, yes. I remember having a great time." She smiles at the memory, feeling slightly better. "Mum used to take loads of pictures." She sighs, "All she wanted to do was get pictures of me and Chris having fun... It's like, she knew it wasn't going to be a forever thing."

Kimberley listens to her daughter, maybe it's what Madison needed, someone to just listen.

"I know I'm not the best—"

"That's not true." Madison breathes, "You're amazing. This is amazing. I'm really happy you brought us out here, I really am..." She pauses. "Hey, Mum?"

"Yeah, babe?"

 "Don't you feel like, I don't know," She pauses, but continues nonetheless. "Don't you feel like things are going to change?"

Kimberley internally sighs, "How so?" Lying through her teeth. Somewhere in the back of her mind, she knew that things weren't going to remain the same.

"Well," Madison shrugs, "Everything. It's already changing." She speaks honestly.

"I think you're just overthinking it."

Madison shrugs, "If you say so." She was in no mood to be at the zoo, everyone was so happy around her. Children laughing and giggling, and here she was, in a gloomy cloud of her own.

"What's your favorite animal?" Kimberley changes the subject, wrapping a tight arm around her daughter.

"I don't really have a favorite, although, I do love baby monkeys."

"Those are adorable."

They nod in agreement.

"There's a little café around here, we should stop in and catch a breather." Kimberley thinks aloud, turning around she giggles at her hot and bothered wife. "Always one to cause a scene." She sighs, walking back over to Cheryl. "You okay to walk just a bit?" She asks seriously, although smirking.

"Fcuk off." Cheryl huffs, swatting her wife's hands away and struggling up to her feet. "I'm fine." She rolls her eyes, and wobbles her way past Kimberley.

They each walk a distance from each other, nobody wanting to communicate at this point.

"It's to your right." Kimberley zooms past them, "Come on then." She opens the door and waits for her wife, daughter and their security to walk in first.

"Mrs. Tweedy-Walsh—"

"Don't start, Joe. Just come on." Kimberley stops him, and leads the way through the café, finding the perfect spot in the far corner.

Madison sits beside her Mum and Joe sits beside Cheryl.

Nobody exchanges a single word.

"So, are we going to be formal?" Madison asks, looking at Joe.

"Technically I'm not here right now." He looks over his shoulder, making sure it was a safe spot.

"Okay cool." She nods, shifting her eyes.

Kimberley suppresses a smirk, "Are you hungry?"

"No." Madison shakes her head.

"And you?" Kimberley looks at her wife, getting a shake of the head. "Are you two kidding me right now?" she hisses. "Enough."

"Enough what?" Madison asks, huffing.

"I've had it with you two. I'm sick of the attitudes. Get your sh*t together or don't talk at all." She grits.

"Nobody was even talking... You're the one who's practically forcing us talking." Cheryl says, rolling her eyes.

Kimberley clenches her jaw, hoping it would suppress the anger building quickly.

"I'm going to stay at my Mum's for a bit." She confesses.

"What?" Cheryl frowns, eyebrows furrowing together.

"Exactly what I said."

Madison doesn't say a single word, completely taken back.

"So typical of you." Cheryl hisses, trying to keep her voice down. "You run just when things aren't perfect enough for you!"

"I'm not running. I'm just sick of this toxic sh*t that's found itself into our household. I'm done. I need a break." She says, hoping that the two of them would fix their attitudes and work on getting along.

"What're you going to do when the babies get here? What? You're going to run when things get too difficult for you—"

"Shut up. You know that's not true."

"I don't know anything anymore." Cheryl stands to her feet, "Joe, take us home."

"Uh..." He looks at Kimberley, she sighs in reply, letting him know it was okay.

"Are you not taking your daughter with you? Or is she old news to you too?" Kimberley puts salt on the wound.

Cheryl snaps her head around, gritting her teeth. "Fcuk you." She looks around for something to throw at her wife, but sadly finds nothing. Instead, Joe escorts the angry Geordie out of the café and completely out of their supposed fun filled day.

Madison holds her tears back. She sits there, unable to move a single finger nor open her mouth to speak. "You shouldn't have said that." She whispers, finding the small of her voice.

"Yeah well I've had enough." Kimberley say's honestly.

Madison stands to her feet.

"And where are you going?"

"What's it to you? You're the one that's leaving anyways." She goes to walk away, but Kimberley stops her. "Let go of my hand or I'll cause a scene."

She loosens her grip and allows the teen to walk out of the café.

Kimberley is left alone, sat on a table of four, with all seats now empty.

I Don't Care - Cheryl Cole/Chim FanFic (GirlxGirl)Where stories live. Discover now