|| Chapter 92 ||

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-Author's POV-

Madison spent the evening in her hideout, glad nobody had come looking for her. She was sure her little escape had worked. That nobody really cared for her, she even had herself believing that nobody loved her. That they were glad she'd runaway from home.

Little did she know, Cheryl and Kimberley were white as sheet as they searched the streets and Jamie had never driven so recklessly in hopes to find his little girl.

"Do you think we'll find her?" Cheryl asks, biting down on her thumbnail, her big brown eyes on full alert.

"We.. We will. Remember when Clara and Connor would say she'd runaway all the time?" Kimberley lightly laughs, hoping to ease the gloom.

Cheryl's heart begins to thump frantically. "I KNOW WHERE SHE IS!"

Kimberley slams the breaks, resulting Cheryl to fly into the dashboard and collide the side of her face against the console.

"Ah!" Cheryl yelps, the throbbing pain instantly taking effect.


"Ah," Cheryl whines, "You fcuking b*tch!"

"Don't you start yelling at me! It's your own bloody fault." Kimberley's eyes soften when noticing the red blotch on the side of her wife's face. "Aw baby, does it hurt?"

"What do you fcuking think Einstein?!" Cheryl grits, soon wincing again. "Just go to the bloody cemetery you piece of sh*t."

"No need to insult me."

"You fcuking broke me face!"

"Sorry." Kimberley cringes, driving in the direction her wife has demanded. "How can you be so sure she's there?"

"Just drive." Cheryl groans, keeping her hand firmly to the left side of her face.

Kimberley's foot presses further down the pedal, speeding her way to the direction Cheryl was sure her daughter would be. It didn't take them long to pull up into the graveled cemetery, instantly taking notice of the large abandoned building.

"Wait Cheryl, let me come with you." Kimberley quickly turns the car off and follows her wife, climbing stairs and entering the one of many doors.

"Mam?" Madison squints, sitting herself in complete darkness, with the odd candle flickering.

"Are you out of your god damn mind!?" Cheryl grits, "Get up!" She snaps, "We have been looking everywhere for you!"

"Oh yeah?" Madison rolls her eyes, not budging from the sofa. "Like you fcuking care." She snorts, keeping her eyes glued to the iPhone in hand.

"What're you on about?"

"You don't even care—"

"When have I not cared about you?!" The Geordie asks, "Quit your pity party and get up. I am not happy with you right now."

I Don't Care - Cheryl Cole/Chim FanFic (GirlxGirl)Where stories live. Discover now