|| Chapter 67 ||

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-Author's POV-

Madison contemplates retreating back downstairs, she could hear muffled cries sounding up to her bedroom. Silently, she was praying that her Mam wasn't crying, but the odds of the Geordie not crying was far out of reach.

The teen takes a deep breath, slowly routing down the grand stairs, with light feet tiptoeing into the living room and spotting Cheryl curled up on the sofa, crying her heart out. She bites her lower lip, watching her mother release cries into the silent air.

What the fcuk do I do? She mentally thinks.

"Mam?" She clears her throat, walking towards the Geordie shielding herself up into a vulnerable ball.

Cheryl gulps her cry, but makes no attempt to turn around and meet her daughter's soft green eyes.

"Are.. Are you okay?" Madison asks, kneeling down and shakily reaching a hand out to stroke the Geordie's shoulder.

Cheryl's eyes water further to the contact of love emitting from her daughter's touch.

"M'fine." Comes the trembling reply.

"So why are you crying?" Madison speaks gently, continuing to stroke her hand up and down the mother's forearm and shoulder.

"I..I don't know."


"Sweets," Cheryl hiccups. "Please.. J-Just leave us alone." Her words muffle, sounding against the linen sofa she'd hid her face in.

"I'm not going anywhere." Madison speaks firmly, climbing onto the sofa and spooning the Geordie tightly from behind.

Cheryl melts to the touch, releasing her held back cries.

"Shh Mam," Madison's own eyes begin to water, "It's okay." She sniffs, getting Cheryl to turn around in her arms, wrapping each other in a sealed bubble.

The Geordie has no more shame in hiding her tears, hanging on tightly to the teen as she lets them all out. The rolls were now reversed, Madison was comforting her mother, whispering loving words to the distraught Geordie. Her arms never release, keeping Cheryl tightly held in an embrace of comfort.

And that's the way they stayed, on the sofa, for what seemed like minutes, hours, and days of love being exchanged in silent whispers and affectionate kisses.

Madison was healing Cheryl.

The teen speaks up after a long silence, "I forgave you.. You know that right?" She asks, continuing to stroke her mother's back tenderly.

"You did?" Cheryl sniffs, looking into her daughter's eyes for the first time. Brown orbs paint red, filled with regret and sadness.

"Yeah.. Yeah I did." They share as smile, the tears return to the Geordie's beautiful browns; the cries of happiness flow freely down her cheeks, and all she could do was pull her daughter back in for a tight hug.

"I love you so much sweets," Cheryl sniffs. "I could never repay you for what I did—"

"You loving me is good enough." They hold each other tightly, tangling up in a sea of love.

They sigh simultaneously.

"Mum didn't mean what she said—"

"She say's some stupid sh*t when she's angry—"

"Please don't fight," Madison pulls back, pouting slightly. "I.. I don't like when youse fight. You two care about each other.. And.. And I don't like it when you fight. You both tend to say some stupid sh*t to each other in the heat of it all."

I Don't Care - Cheryl Cole/Chim FanFic (GirlxGirl)Where stories live. Discover now