||Chapter 5||

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-Author's POV-

Madison awakens the next morning with anxiety, for once, she's nervous. She's nervous for many reasons, but one reason stood out the most; the fear of disappointing her parents haunts her. She doesn't want to be a failure, especially not in front of successful business gurus.

She sighs and turns off the deafening alarm clock tearing away the peacefulness that once lingered in the master bedroom. The teen gracefully slides out of the large bed and ready's herself for the day. Her mind swirls with a million thoughts, she's still upset with Cheryl being her mentor. The wishing and longing for Simon to be her shadow died instantly when she locked eyes with the pop star.

Truth be told, she didn't trust women. She never did, and it was all due to her past. The past of her mother giving her up as a child always taunts her regularly. For as long as she could remember, women were always taken out of the picture. The only woman she ever trusted was her mother, but even she didn't have her trust entirely.

She drags the expensive luggage carelessly through the corridor, and down the stairs, hitting each step with a loud thud.

"Look whose up" Connor greets his grumpy daughter. Madison was never a morning person, and boy did her parents know it.

"Yeah great, I'm up, amazing, you don't have to say that every time I wake up!" She groans whilst dropping her bags by his feet and walking past the chuckling father. He was used to her attitude and he secretly loved how cheeky and sassy she constantly was.

"Are you's going to drop me off?" She asks with hopefulness, although, she knew they wouldn't be dropping her off. It doesn't hurt to ask again. She thinks to herself.

"I'm sorry sweetheart, your Mum's getting ready and she's going with me to a very important meeting." There he goes again with that damn word. She mentally shakes her thoughts away and gives him a smile, busying herself with a cuppa.

"Jeffry should be here shortly, please don't get into any trouble while you're there, and also, enjoy yourself." He gives her a kiss to the forehead, and a quick hug. Madison mentally sighs at the affection, she wishes it could last longer, she wished many things, but the one thing she always wished for repeatedly was her parent's time and attention. It's all she's ever wanted.

"I don't think I'll make it past the judges homes to be honest" She doubts herself.

"Oh don't think like that, you'll do amazing. Hey I've got an idea" He speaks with enthusiasm, she stills her movement and gives her father all the attention she could possibly project.

"What?" she replies with a girly giggle.

"If you don't make it past the judges homes, you can always come sing for me at the office.. I'll even pay you." The teen rolls her eyes with a huff.

"Not funny" Madison gives Connor a thump to the chest as he continues his loud cackle.

"I'm just letting you know, there's always a future at The Harris Corporation." She shakes her head and sips her tea, trying to hide the small smile growing behind the cup.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I know we're late again!" Clara chooses this moment to storm into the kitchen, hopping on one foot as she unsteadily slips on her other heel.

"We've still got about ten minutes, go on and say your goodbyes. I'll be out in the car" With another kiss to Madison's head, Connor sees himself out of the house; the distress evident in the teen's body language and facial expression.

"Why the long face?" Clara asks, she takes Madison's chin delicately into her hand and forces their eyes to meet.

"I wish you's were coming.. I'm a little nervous." She admits, and for the first time, she wasn't admitting her worries to Jeffry. She hoped for some sort of comfort from her Mum.

I Don't Care - Cheryl Cole/Chim FanFic (GirlxGirl)Where stories live. Discover now