|| Chapter 136 ||

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Hi Guys!

Sorry for the lack of updates, I've been on vacation for like a month!



Author's POV

To say Kimberley was nervous would be an understatement. She was sh*tting herself, but wouldn't allow those emotions and thoughts to be known.

"Okay I'm nervous." Cheryl exhales, confessing. 

Kimberley smiles, leaning back and wrapping an arm around her wife. "Me too." She says, truthfully. "Everything is going to work out for us, it just has to."

They patiently wait for their names to be called, ready to take this big leap in their lives.

It's time.

It's finally time for them to try and have more children, and build their beautiful family.


Madison occupies herself that day, she finds herself sitting on the hardwood floors, looking at the outside world from the Livingroom doors. The garden that was once blossoming with endless flowers are making their return. Spring couldn't come soon enough; her favorite of all things was to witness the grass grow and turn its shades from browns to greens.

She sighs.

She hoped this big change in the family wouldn't take its toll on her. She hoped her parents would still love her... even if the attention wouldn't be on her any longer.

The love had died.

Clara and Connor couldn't seem to give a single second of their time to their little girl. Abigail was doing all the loving, but all Madison craved was the love from her parents.

"Mummy! Daddy!" Young Madison runs to her parents as they walk through the front door, she hasn't seen them in what seemed like ages. It was months. Months of them being away, traveling, working, and not giving any of their time to her.

I Don't Care - Cheryl Cole/Chim FanFic (GirlxGirl)Where stories live. Discover now