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JJ hadn't been home for almost a year, he had, but he had only stayed for a few days before leaving again to continue his three-part tour. During this time he had come back for a few reasons, one being to film those long-ass sidemen videos, the second to see his beautiful wife and the third to see his daughter Jannah, who over this period of time had grown up very much, she had grown all of her teeth, walked and was now potty trained. She also happened to be a bit smarter than the average child.

Over the course of JJ going on tour, Hadiyeh and Jannah often went back to Dubai, when they didn't have videos to film they went to Dubai, so Jannah could feel the true sense of growing up in a family environment, as her own father wasn't exactly the stablest person.


"Yes, baby?" The nickname had stuck for no other reason besides the fact that she was still the baby of the family.

"Arsalan is being mean!" 

Amira laughed at her niece's statement, before scolding Arsalan from the kitchen table. 

"But Oma!" The boy whined in reply.

"No, be nice." His mother scolded, turning to Asal who was now about seven years old, to Hadiyeh however she was still the little toddler they had seen when JJ had first visited the Ezra household.

An hour or two passed when the doorbell rang. 

"Oi, you two dumbells, go open the door." Leila kicked Hadiyeh and Amira from under the dining table. 

"Are we waiting for anyone?" Hadiyeh asked but didn't wait for an answer as she moved to open the door, their house was usually flooded with maids and butlers, yet none of them could be seen when needed the most.

She opened the door seeing a sight she least expected standing there a grin on his face and a bouquet of roses in his hand, his relaxed posture leaning against the doorframe.

"JJ!" She squealed embracing her husband in a hug, not caring if the roses he had bought got squashed between them. 

"Baba!" Jannah's familiar voice was heard as she clung to JJ's leg. Hadiyeh chuckled pulling away letting JJ pick up his daughter, showering her with adoration. Gosh, had he missed this.

Written: 02/10/2021

published: 05/10/2021

(A/N: I'll be updating two or three times a week from now on because of my crazy school schedule, so please bear with me, and that Our Last Memories hit #1 in KSI today, and I wouldn't have been able to do that without your support, I love reading your comments they mean the world to me *looks at @JJ0latunji * <333)

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