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The morning after the party was entertaining, to say the least, everyone was hungover, excluding Saeedeh, Hadiyeh and Laura who had also stayed at their house seeing as Randolph had passed out on the couch. 

"GOOD MORNING!" Saeedeh hollered coming down the stairs, she was greeted with groans and profanities in reply. Hadiyeh had the chef cook them all breakfast before they left.

The next few days they were all stuck in meetings. Hadiyeh more so than the others, as well as attending the SidePlus meetings she had to attend fashion meetings with her team, Diaz's Armani team and the Vogue team. 


JJ peaked his head into Hadiyeh's office. 

"Yeah, I'll call you back," Hadiyeh dismissed her manager that she was on the phone to, ending the call. 

"What's up sunshine?" She said turning her chair to face JJ who was standing awkwardly in her room. 

JJ shrugged wordlessly looking self-consciously at his feet.

"Come here," She cooed taking his arms and pulling him towards her. 

He moved towards her his feet dragging after him. 

"I want to go to bed." He mumbled his hand fiddling with the ends of her hijab. She kissed his knuckle lovingly, he was in his subspace.

"Yeah, go on, why not, everything else can wait till tomorrow." She chuckled shutting down her PC and the many monitors around her.

He smiled half-heartedly as they walked back to the room. He lay on the bed not bothering to even undress. She smiled at him, stripping out of her fashion clothes into her tank top and shorts she had stollen from JJ.

"What's wrong, love?" She straddled him trying to get him out of his clothes, as he lifted his arms, making the process easier.

He shrugged again. He and Hadiyeh rarely had time to themselves anymore, everything they did together was rushed and hurried and he needed attention. He needed her attention.

She smiled warmly at him, pressing a kiss to his nose, then his cheeks, then his forehead, this went on until she had smothered his whole face in peppered kisses and he was smiling and giggling. She could never get tired of his smile. The way his whole face lights up at the tiniest of things would always warm her heart. He may be this big massive ego-driven dickhead in front of the camera but when it came to her, he turned into a marshmallow, it's like he turned into someone completely different around her. 

He loved that version of himself, during these times he switched off, turning off everything that comes with KSI and JJ. Hadiyeh too adored this JJ, the one that wasn't about how many bitches he's fucked or how many views he's got, or even how many monthly listeners he has. To her this version of JJ was beautiful.

"Stop!" He laughed foolishly under her, god she could turn his mood upside down with the blink of an eye.


"With you, always." He grinned.

"You smooth fucker, where would you be without this tongue of yours."

"I could show you what else it does?" He grinned winking at her. 

"I'd be interested to find out." She muses.

Jannah was with Saeedeh, seeing as her exams were over and that these two lovers were busy she had offered to babysit, meaning they had a few hours to spare until they had to leave their bedroom.

"I'd be more than happy to show you." He smirks.

"Be my guest."

When they are finally done with their expeditions of each other's bodies they fall next to each other JJ practically sleeping on top of Hadiyeh, careful not to put all of his body weight onto her. Not that she minded anyway, she enjoyed JJ's presence next to her. It was comforting and relaxing to both of them, especially after what had just happened they could cause a bit of calming down.

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