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JJ had sat Hadiyeh down, he wanted to talk to her about their sex life, he was going to be gone for a year, he would come to visit and knew that his wife would book a ticket and visit him once in a while. For the explicit conversation, he had hoped Talia would be free enough to babysit today and thankfully she was already planning to go on stream with Jannah, the fans had been begging for Jannah to make a cameo in her videos.

"We need to talk." JJ had announced earlier that morning before he had gone to do some promotion thing with his label. 

"Alright let me clear my schedule." Hadiyeh had replied over the phone, JJ had gone so early in the morning that he hadn't bothered waking up Hadiyeh or Jannah, they were sleeping so peacefully he didn't want to bother them, instead, he made himself a bowl of cornflakes picked up his keys and phone and left the house sending a good morning text to Hadiyeh for when she does wake up.

"When will be you be home?" She asked.

"In an hour." He replied. He kept reciting the script that he had written in his head. He had wanted for them to take their relationship to the next level, he knew that Hadiyeh had wanted to bring this up way earlier in their relationship she had hinted but it multiple times but didn't want to push JJ into doing something he may not be uncomfortable with.



"Nothing." He whispered, "love you."

"Love you more, sweetheart, take care," she chuckled ending the call. JJ could be the most random person at times, she wasn't going to complain though. She and JJ went with the flow and that often meant making random decisions and so far most of their judgments and impulsiveness had turned out nicely for them in the long run.


Now they were sat in front of each other, both waiting for the other to start talking.

"Go on, say it." Hadiyeh turned to JJ, he had that look in his eyes, he wanted to say a lot but somehow nothing came out of his mouth, it was an expression he often had on his face and Hadiyeh had learnt to read him like a book.

"Iwantustotakethingstothenextlevel." He spoke so quickly that hadiyeh barely caught onto his first three words.


"I want us to take things to the next level, you know, relationship-wise." He said slower, looking at the floor, "you know sexually."

"Like what?" Hadiyeh had tried to suppress the excitement in her voice, she had wanted for JJ to bring this up a long time ago and had given up hoping for it.

"Like me and you, I don't know what you call it... Our sub-dom relationship."

"What do you mean?" She needed to get a clear clarification from him to take things further.

"I want you to dominate, like, properly."

"Are you sure?" 

"Yeah, obviously, we'll take things slow and that, but I want things to go past just a silk scarf." He said, gosh he could feel his blush rush to his face in both embarrassment and excitement.

"Do you want us to go through a few things first?"

"Please." He nodded. 

She hummed picking up her phone that was resting on the dinner table. 

"Punishments?" She began.

"Like what?" 

"Come here," She sighed and pulled him over to sit next to him.

They sat together as they read through the list that Hadiyeh had on her phone. 

"No belts reminds me too much of my parents," He said as they both burst into laughter. 


"Yeah, why not?" He shrugged, pretending to be indifferent but inside his mind, his thoughts were running wild, he could already imagine it. 

An hour and a half later they had talked through everything and Hadiyeh had received his consent.

"Can we try it out, you know, now?" He asked. 

"Go on," She chuckled pressing a kiss under his ear, it was his sweet spot and she was the only one who knew how to get him this hot and flustered.

Within the next few minutes, JJ was tied to the bedposts.

"I think we should start with a punishment," She mused, "You know, for not talking to me earlier about this."

"Like what?" He couldn't help the excitement in his eyes. He wanted everything at once, he could feel his blood pumping and his heart beating like a drum in his ribcage.

"I won't gag you, but, you'll lose the privilege to talk." She said she was taking away the one thing she knew he'd find impossible to do, "You so much as open your mouth, I stop."


"Here." She handed him a red napkin, "You'll drop it when you feel uncomfortable, all you have to do is drop it, no sanctions no nothing, we'll stop everything and talk it out, understand?" 

"Mhm," He hummed in acknowledgement. 

"I need verbal consent here, love," She kissed his nose lovingly.

"I get it," He nodded biting his lip to stop the moan that rumbled in the back of his throat as her hands began wandering from his abs to his thighs, she pressed long kisses to his neck and shoulder, leaving her mark, he was hers and she was his.


"I said, quiet." She snapped, pulling away, "Or you won't cum."

JJ closed his mouth, aroused by her harsh, sharp tone. He was so used to being the one to yell at people and be in control, now, to lie under Hadiyeh and have her take ownership of his actions was exciting, it stirred a feeling of lust within him that he had never felt before. He felt their connection with every bone in his body. 

Written: 14/10/2021

Published: 17/10/2021

(A/N: We move mad in his house.)

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