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Hadiyeh and JJ were stood in the games room, playing a game of pool, whoever wins takes control in bed tonight and neither of them planned on losing.

"Care for company?" Alex and Adrian entered the room their wives were busy with their children feeding them and changing their nappies.

"Yeah, come join." JJ smiled handing his billiard stick over to Adrian who takes it. Lining the tip with the white ball.

"So how are things going? Fatherhood enjoyable?" Hadiyeh turns the two men who looked like they could break down into tears at the question.

"They don't sleep, all they do is shit and cry, and we barely get any time with our wives." Alex rubs his eyes tiredly. He was up all night taking care of his crying son.

"Not what you thought huh?" JJ chuckles taking a sip of his drink.

"Not even one star do not recommend." Adrian laughed picking up a drink, handing JJ back the billiard pole.

"Anyways the news is from you, new brand deal with Armani, tour?" 

"Look I got the watch from your collection," Alex grinned flashing his Innocent Armani watch. 

"He's matching with Aleema." Adrian grinned laughing. 

"Anyway, I heard someone's tour just finished?" Alex changed the subject turning to JJ who shrugged his shoulders laughing. 

"It was cool, glad it won't be happening again for another year though," JJ laughed, kissing Hadiyeh on the cheek, as she poked his side, stopping the blush that she knew was creeping up her face. 

"Come on, come pick out a henna design." She said pulling JJ away as Alex and Adrian had taken over their disregarded game of billiard.

"So who's dominating tonight?" JJ asked biting a small mark onto Hadiyeh's neck.

"Me, if you carry on."

"Then I'll never stop."

"Dickhead." She laughs as the elevator door opens to the area where all of the guests were gathered, the room was jam-packed, they walked further until they found themselves in the kitchen where the girls were getting their henna done, JJ sticking out in the crowd like a sore thumb, he didn't mind though, he felt more at ease here with the women then he did with all the businessmen in the living room. There was hardly any conversation points he'd have with them. 

"Ah, Hadiyeh!" The woman accent is deep Arabic. Hadiyeh chuckles embracing the older woman who showers Hadiyeh with kisses. 

"JJ, this is my aunt Elija," She introduced JJ to her in English. 

JJ nodded greeting the woman with a small handshake, "Asalamu Alaykum." 

"Wa Alaykumsalam." The woman smiles brightly, surprised that JJ could speak Arabic. 

"You have him head over heels." The woman laughs in Arabic, sitting back down at the kitchen table picking up her disregarded sheesha pipe and smoking from it. She balanced the pipe in her mouth as she picks up the henna, finishing the design she was drawing for one of the younger girls. 

"Come sit," She struggled with English but got her message across perfectly. 

"Go on," JJ nudged Hadiyeh who shook her head laughing. 

"She doesn't mean me." She turned to JJ's nervous figure. 


"Yep, go on." She repeated his own words pushing him towards the chair, he sighed slumping into the chair. 

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