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The next morning Harry wakes up hungover rushing to get to the toilet. He begins emptying his stomach into the ensuite toilet flushing the toilet when he's done. When he walks back into the room he sees Nas lying in the massive kings' bed, the white sheets covering him but even from here his toned stomach abs were evident. 

Harry couldn't believe he had slept with a guy, let alone someone as pretty and handsome as Nas. He felt weird, he wasn't disgusted with himself but was surprised that he had enjoyed last night as much as he did. As Nas twisted in the cold sheets, Harry felt guilt wash over him. What would his mates say if they find out he had slept with a man, let alone be attracted to a guy.

He scrambled to get his clothes on just as e stepped out of the room he was met with Hadiyeh who was carrying Jannah downstairs for her breakfast, JJ was in the shower.

"Goodmorning Harold." Hadiyeh grinned, flashing a smile to the baffled man. 

"Morning Hads, Jannah," He gave her a side smile taking Jannah into his arms as the child reached for him blabbering 'Hazza'.


"No thanks, I've got plans." Harry excused himself making up a pathetic lie.

"So breakfast." She said with finality and who was he to argue.

As Harry put Jannah down in her high chair and sat down at the table Hadiyeh sat onto the counter as their chef prepared them today's breakfast.

"Nas, huh?"

"Oh, Hads don't even get me started, it was a one night stand." 

"So you're going to sit here and tell me that you just had sex with no attraction towards each other?" She raised her brow. She would make a great interrogator one day, you know, like the one you see in movies, Harry kept his opinion to himself though.

"I like him," Harry muttered under his breath, his words were too personal to be admitted aloud.

"Then ask him out." 

"He's a guy."

"So are you." She deadpans.

"But I'm not gay."

"You slept with him." She pointed out again, but this time her words were softer, "Listen if you're scared of the boys' opinions, they can take their thoughts and put them right up their ass, because love knows no bounds, you should know that by now." 

"Trust you, to beat up Ethan's ass." 

"I think Ethan would be more than supportive, but regardless I'd be more than happy to if he would want to open his big gob," Hadiyeh chuckles taking Jannah's food off the chef and moving to go feed her. She had just dressed her daughter in a nice hoodie and leggings and she really didn't want her to have apple cinnamon poured over the clothes.

"Yeah, fair, Behz probably would." Harry shrugs taking an apple off the counter and eating it waiting for the chef to make pancakes.

"So man up and ask him out on a proper date and be a gentleman about it." She joked playfully.

"Oh Hads, when was I ever not a gentleman." 

"The time you made your girlfriend pay."

"I had forgotten my wallet!" 

"I believe you." Hadiyeh laughed.

Their conversation came to an end when Nas and JJ came down the stairs both following the scent of food coming from the kitchen. 

"Morning, love." Hadiyeh and JJ exchanged a kiss as Nas and Harry gagged playfully.

"Morning love." Nas mocked in a high pitch pressing a kiss to Harry's cheek, "We've been married for years but still have to show PDA." 

"Shut your face." Hadiyeh poked her tongue out at Nas, pretending to not see the tomato red blush that covered Harry's face right to the tip of his ears. Nas had this way of fitting himself into peoples hearts and Harry was lucky enough to be the person who fits into Nas' heart.

"Is there anyone else sleeping?" Hadiyeh turns to the two giggling boys who were talking shit about Joanna's eyeliner at last night's party who was trying a bit too hard to get Harry's attention.

"Nah, I think we're the only ones." Harry shrugged as Nas had fit himself on Harry's lap sharing small kisses.

An hour later they had finished breakfast and they were all on the way to the Uber's downstairs to get to the fashion show. Nas and Hadiyeh had a fashion show to get ready for and the boys were filming a video 'making our own outfits for London catwalk!' Hadiyeh, Nas and Jannah were taking one car as Harry and JJ were taking the other, it would be boring for them to sit in that car anyway, all Hadiyeh and Nas were going to be discussing were fashion related. 

"Oh god," Nas turned to the flashes coming out of the windows. There were fans crowded everywhere, as soon as they turned to go into London square there were herds of people standing outside and most of them were not even paparazzi. Sidemen fans had gathered outside waiting to catch a glimpse of their favourite YouTubers. 

"These people would do anything to get a picture of you," Nas says in awe staring at the mass of people.

"I am where here because of these people, the least I could do is take pictures with them, I wish I could do more."

"I think I might have an idea."

"Hads!! JJ!! Harry!!" The fans screamed as Hadiyeh and the boys step out.

Hadiyeh, JJ and Harry smiled falling in step with each other and began chatting with the fans and taking pictures. Nas had done the favour of taking Jannah inside.

"Hads! You and JJ are so cute!" One of the girls squealed as Hadiyeh took a selfie with one of the fans.

"Aww, thank you." Hadiyeh thanked the girl with a smile.

"Hads!" Nas popped his head out of the building, screaming for Hadiyeh's attention.

Hadiyeh managed to pull herself out of the crowd and with the help of the security, she found herself standing with Nas and the boys.

"Loads of the models cant make it. They tested positive at the airport for covid." Nas announces.

"And you're telling me this now?!" Hadiyeh feels her blood boil, "You'd known for a whole ass day and decided to tell me a few hours before the show?!" 

"Well that's the thing, I have an idea, you have your friends make up their outfits and run the catwalk and you can also pull out fans from the crowd."

"Modeling needs experience, Nas!" 

"I know, but you're a beginner, you'll get away with it." He shrugged. 

"He's not wrong," JJ put his arm around Hadiyeh's shoulders kissing her forehead calming her down. His touch had enchanting powers, well to Hadiyeh anyway, he radiated comfort.  

She took a deep breath inhaling JJ's fragrance, the scent was soothing, calming her down, she cleared her mind and thought about Nas' suggestion taking a moment to contemplate what she should do. 

"You know what?" They turned to her, "Sure."

"I'll get the boys on the phone then," Harry said beaming. 

Written: 13/10/2021

Published: 15/10/2021

(A/N: this chapter wasn't great but there are some next-level bangers coming)

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