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Hadiyeh and JJ's holiday was due over Christmas they would be leaving from December 15 till the 20thth where they would come back for Christmas to be with Jannah and then they would all be going to America for the New Years Party that going to be hosted in LA.

Hadiyeh and JJ were in America, she had wanted a break from London and to change the scenery, they had all planned a small trip to New York before the new year, they had all come together as a group, besides Saeedeh who had wanted to spend her time in Dubai with her family over winter break seeing as she only got to spend a mere week with them last time she went there.

Hadiyeh, JJ, Nas, Harry, Simon, Talia, Randolf, Vik, Sasha, Tobi, Ethan and Faith, CalFreezy and Callux. All of them had decided to spend the week before Christmas in the company of each other in LA before they would all be meeting each other in New York for New Year. A random tradition that had developed over the years.

They had all decided to take Hadiyeh's private jet as together they waited in the gated area, the boys and couples all engaged in conversation with each other as JJ rested his head on her shoulder, snoring quietly. Jannah was very much enjoying the company of the group as she jumped from Simon's arms to Tobis all of them having the time of their life together.

Her hand sub-consciously ran over JJ's arms, she had realized she was doing it until Talia pointed at her and Simon mimicked her actions causing the group to laugh.

She poked her tongue out in protest but made no comment, not wanting to wake up JJ who had spent all of last night filming to send to his editor, for him to post whilst JJ himself was on holiday.

As the lady announced their flight, she pressed a kiss to JJ's temple, "Hey, love, it's our flight," She poked the side of his face gently, with a smile.

"I'm up," He groaned, rubbing his eyes with the back of his sleeve and Hadiyeh almost cooed at the sight, JJ looked like a little toddler who had just woken up, his lips pouted and his eyes glazed over with sleep as he stretched out, moving to get up.

He picked up their luggage, rolling it on the pristine marble floors of the VIP section as Hadiyeh took Jannah from Faith's arms, thanking her with a smile and together they made their way onto the massive holiday jet.

"Captain Tom," Hadiyeh smiled politely shaking his hand, he was relatively young, maybe in his late forties, he was the one Hadiyeh flew with, not to mention the man was a great friend of Mohammad Ezra.

"Mrs Ezra and Mr Olatunji," He greeted them back, "The weather is quite stormy around this time of the year, so we may face a little turbulence at take-off but it'll be smooth sailing after we get past the clouds."

She smiled nodding, thanking him. The couples were quick to find seats for themselves and their significant other as the boys, Callux, CalFreezy, Tobi, Harry and Nas sat together at the front messing around.

The first thing Hadiyeh did was put Jannah to sleep in the backroom, knowing it was going to be a long journey and she would rather have Jannah asleep than cry about her ears popping.

After that Hadiyeh and JJ made their way back to the front of the plane and sat down close to the very back, wanting to keep a close eye on Jannah if there ever was anything to happen.

They watched their friends' awe at the plane and the luxurious life they lived as Hadiyeh and JJ laughed quietly between themselves, they had become accustomed to the luxurious life they lived.

"Oi, couples in the back!" Tobi poked his head up from the seat to stare at Ethan, Faith, Simon, Talia and Hadiyeh and JJ, "No fucking!"

"Just because your girl wanted to get away from you, doesn't mean you get to boss the rest of us around!" Talia was quick to respond, causing them to laugh.

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