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Hadiyeh and JJ had spent the evening getting ready for their friends to come over for dinner.

When they were finally done, the doorbell rang. 

"Jide! Hads!" Ethan and CalFreezy came into the room both hugging their mate that had been absent the past few months whilst on tour.

"Lads, lads, lads," CalFreezy pulls out his vlogging camera, ready to shoot some content for his upcoming vlog, he turns his camera to Jannah who was resting her head on Hadiyeh's shoulder, her finger in her mouth as she looked up at all the grown men with curiosity "None of us really care about JJ and Hads, all we care about is this little devil." 

"'m not a devil!" Jannah protested, folding her arms across her chest and pouting.

"Oh wow, lad, she's got quite the tongue." Ethan laughed slapping CalFreezy's shoulder, laughing at his failed attempt to get Jannah smiling at the camera. 

"Takes after her parents after all doesn't she?" Cal turned to JJ and Hadiyeh who only laughed in response.

"Can I get a pina colada, please?" Ethan leaves the conversation to go to the bar that was set up in the living room area. 

"Make that two." JJ found himself next to his mate, they had some catching up to do, after all, JJ hadn't been in England for some time.

"Three." Freezy grins slapping them both on the shoulder as he puts his camera on the counter.

"Where is Hads?" JJ turns around, his wife no longer where he thought she was. 

"Harry and Lux are here." 

"Boys! Boys! Boys!" Lux announced as he came in. 

Harry had however stood by the door, talking to Hadiyeh and Jannah, trying to convince Hadiyeh to let him hold Jannah.

"Hazza!" The child blabbered reaching for Harry, who handed Hadiyeh the pack of beer he was holding and took Jannah into his arms as she sighed allowing him, knowing Jannah was mature and smart enough to be cautious around Harry. The child touches his scruffy beard laughing at the spiky feeling. 

"They're in the kitchen," Hadiyeh motions for him to go through as her phone rings. 

"We need to discuss details for the fashion show," Diaz states from the other line. 

"Well Mr Italy, I'm having a party tonight, so cal me back in the morning."

"No invite?" Even by his tone, she could see the classic fuckboy smirk on his face.

"Are you in London?" 

"For a business meeting, I'm in a hotel in London tonight," He says casually. 

"Well then, Mr Armani, you are more than welcome to come tonight, I'll send you the address." She says.


When the doorbell next rang Hadiyeh was one of the very few that was still sober. She went to the door Jannah had fallen asleep, Saeedeh keeping her company in her bedroom. 

"Hey, Armani!" Hadiyeh grinned greeting the built Italian man with a smile on her face.

"Ezra." The man smiles handing over a bouquet of flowers and two bags of luxury clothing for Jannah. 

Hadiyeh takes the bags and thanks him walking him through the party over to the bar, where JJ and Tobi were talking about what they should take about in the first SideCast podcast.

"A drink?" The bartender turns to Hadiyeh and Diaz, his voice is loud enough to get the attention of the two men.

"Two shots of Vodka please," Diaz says as the barista nods hurrying to fix the man his drink.

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