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Hadiyeh was fuming this morning he had woken up to twitter headlines talking about her cheating. Shocker. She knew these headlines would come rolling in as soon as she began her tour. She was a Muslim, Asian, woman married to a black man, both working in the entertainment/media industry. Nothing was easy for them. Ever.

Pictures of her and Nas laughing at the shows were published across media outlets, with the headline, Hadiyeh Ezra caught cheating on husband KSI! She rolled her eyes at their stupidity. People would do anything to try and bring down her and JJ's relationship. 

"WHOS NAS!?" She knew this was coming, it was always such a hassle trying to work past JJ's possessive issues.

"The guy I was talking about?" Hadiyeh replies in a 'duh' tone, her voice sarcastic.

"Does he have a girlfriend?" 

"I don't know, nor do I care," She replied, stepping out of the door, checking her purse to make sure she hadn't forgotten anything.

The line had gone dead.



"I'm sorry, I just- it's just, I don't know, this was stupid, I know you're not cheating on me, I got possessive, I'm sorry I'll call you back later," JJ stuttered ending the call, he felt stupid, ashamed and embarrassed that he had made such a big deal about something so insignificant. It was always that he felt like he was never enough for Hadiyeh, she was this goddess sent from heaven and he could hardly level to that.

Over breakfast with Nas, Hadiyeh constantly had her phone in her hand trying to contact JJ, yet he declined her call every time. Until Nas snatched her phone out of her hands.

"Eat, we have to be at the show early today, your design is closing the show tonight." He scolded shutting her phone and handing it back to her, "Who were you calling anyway?"

"My husband." She replied, her voice sorrowful, JJ and Hadiyeh had ended on such a bad note that she felt resentful towards Nas for causing it, even though thinking logically she knew he had no real fault.

"Oh, the hot KSI guy right?" Nas pretended to fan himself, "If you hadn't married him, I would of."

"You're gay?"

"Shit, no?" Nas panicked, he knew that Hadiyeh was religious and religious people were prone to being homophobic.

"It's fine if you are, if you are single there is a guy I could set you up with,"

"Really?" She was right. He was gay and single.

"Yeah, I completely forgot to even ask, how old are you you can't be older than a student?" Hadiyeh looked at him trying to figure out Nas' age, his skin glowed like he was still a teen but his jawline said differently.

"twenty-four, going on twenty-five," 

"Awe, you're like a year younger than me," She pinched his cheeks the same way an old lady would. 

"Get off," He grumbled, rubbing his poor cheeks.

"Aright, I need a coffee and two croissants if I'm going to get through today," She said as she got up giving her orders to her assistant who noted it down onto his phone. 

"See you there," She bid him goodbye and left. 

Today passed like yesterday, by the time it was Innocent's closing show Hadiyeh was sure she was balding and a few of her hairs had gone white. Who knew fashion shows would be so stressful?

Just as the curtains had gone for her show, her phone began ringing. Talia. 

"Hi Tals," Hadiyeh wanted to be polite but she truly didn't know what Talia had to say at 11pm that couldn't have waited until the morning.

"I know you're busy and stuff, but JJ and Jannah left us a note on the door saying they're coming to visit you, they also put their keys here, for us to feed the pets and stuff," Talia rushed her words. 

"Alright, thanks," Hadiyeh sighed, "I'll call you back after the show."

When she sat back down, her attention wasn't there, she was inside her own head worrying about JJ and Jannah. She and JJ really needed to get into a proper conversation over his jealousy and possessiveness, but that could wait until they arrived in Paris, until then she had a fashion show to manage.

"Who was it?" Nas nudged her, after the call, she didn't look or act the same, she sat down staring at the models' expressionless. That was unlike her.

"A friend, my husband might be coming here tonight, see if you can get a crib put in my room, by tonight," She said and Nas nodded.

"A bit unexpected, isn't it?" 

"Welcome to my life." 

Two hours later, the show was over and everyone had almost finished packing up. It was past midnight and Hadiyeh was about to pass out. When she finally made it back to the hotel, she, Nas and a few of the models were hanging around the lobby laughing and enjoying the night, she was so busy and tired that she had completely forgotten about JJ and Jannah's arrival. That was until the room went completely silent. 

Hadiyeh turned to Nas who was staring over her head, following his eyeliner, she locked eyes with him. His usually soft and youthful eyes were dark and cold.

"Hey JJ." She greeted with an enthusiastic smile on her face. She was a fake it till you make it type of person, meaning that she knew JJ was a fuse waiting to blow but for a few seconds at least they should be able to keep their composure in front of her colleagues.

"Hey Hads," He smiled, his tone suppressed a wave of anger that only Hadiyeh could identify, but to everyone else, he seemed like the type of guy to be over the moon to see his wife.

"Alright you lot, go catch some sleep we have another show in the morning, so be up early." Hadiyeh beamed, bidding them goodbye, she hadn't even bothered introducing the group to her husband, they would have plenty of time for introductions after Hadiyeh and JJ sorted out their problem.

(A/N: Lamar Hill is Lil Nas X's real name and that I've been obsessed with his album recently so yano...)

Written: 10/10/2021

Published: 11/10/2021

(A/N: I swear to god @JJ0latunji has written some next level madness book and I'm so here for it <33, y'all need to go and check it out, also I am so in love with her imagines, they are absolutely fucking adorable, &&& Hadiyeh made a cameo, so go check it out homies xx)

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