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FLASHBACK: Sidemen warehouse, hadiyeh and the boys

They were all sitting in the studio all of them talking about nothing, everyone complaining about how hectic their lives were. Hadiyeh watched them all a smile on her lips as she ran her hand through Jannah's hair, the toddler asleep on her lap. They were all so ungrateful, but she understood their point, working over 12 hours a day was exhausting, but she knew they none of them worked that much, between all of them Hadiyeh worked more than all of them combined excluding the fact that she was also parenting full time as well seeing as JJ was on tour. Although she was quite happy, she would be seeing him later tonight, he was performing at Wembley.

Something wasn't quite right, Ethan was sitting in the corner of the room on the black sofa, cuddled into a pillow as he scrolled through his social media feed pointlessly, his eyes clearly out of focus. He didn't care about the stupid dances and uninteresting posts.

"What's up, Behz?" He was unusually reserved, when complaining his voice was often louder than the rest, so him sulking in the corner was foreign, especially as everyone was so hyped for tonight. 

"Nothing." He grumbled, shoving his body further into the couch withdrawing himself from everyone else's conversation. 

"Bullshit." Hadiyeh rolled her eyes, she could read all of these boys like the back of her hand, she hadn't lived with them for years only for them to lie about their well-being to her, "come round later, I promised Jannah Disney marathon and I don't think I have it in me to listen to Elsa sing Frozen for the thousandth time."

"No, it's fine," He sighed, "I'm fine." 

"Ethan Leigh Payne, you can't lie for shit." She chuckled, seeing past him. 

"You're a right bitch you know that?" He rolled his eyes, sighing in defeat.

"I've been called worse." She shrugged, "I might be a bitch but at least I made you smile."

"Fuck off." He laughed.

"I'll meet you by the car after the shoot." She spoke with finality a small smile on her lips the boys had learnt not to argue with her when her tone was conclusive.

By the end of the 'MoreSidemen' shoot, Hadiyeh had sat Jannah on her lap struggling to put her coat on. 

"I'm hot mama!" She complained folding her arms in front of her stubbornly. 

"I'd certainly hope not at your age." Hadiyeh rolled her eyes chuckling, the child not catching onto her mother's dad jokes. 

"I'm not wearing my coat!" 

"If you don't wear your coat, you won't be watching Disney tonight." Hadiyeh scolded. 

"Fine." She huffed pouting. 

"She's definitely picked up on you and JJ's stubbornness," Ethan chuckled from next to them as he picked up his keys and coat from the counter, waiting for the mother and daughter to finally move along. 

"Sorry, she's quite the hassle." Hadiyeh apologised. 

"Am not." Jannah huffed. 

"Whatever you say, baby," Hadiyeh sighed, she loved parenting but recently Jannah was missing JJ and it was affecting her to the point where she was acting out.

"Behz!" The toddler reached out of her mother's arms making grabby hands at Ethan who chuckled taking Jannah into his arms. 

"Your mum's a bit moody, isn't she?" Ethan chuckled looking at Jannah with a raised brow, she nodded her head agreeing. 

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