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Hadiyeh had finally stopped pacing and sat in the front row watching the new models walk the catwalk the Sidemen filming each of the boys who strut down the catwalk and making a montage of the others.

Nas had spent the last few minutes trying to ease Harry's anxiety before he went out onto the catwalk. Today's show was a big deal, Anna Wintour was going to be attending meaning this would be Hadiyeh's one shot to impress her.

They had all picked out outfits for each other all from the Innocent x Armani autumn collection.

Josh had picked out a black top for JJ with skinny fit trousers. And by god did he look good. Tobi was put in an all-pink fit by Vik knowing Saeedeh would enjoy the sight from the front row. Harry was put in a crisp white shirt, classic slim fit slacks and chunky trainers, by Simon.

Josh was put into a casual outfit by Tobi with a polo shirt and trousers, they had all agreed he had channelled his inner retired grandad. Vik was put into a suit by Harry with rings and jewellery. And Simon was put into cream cargo trousers and a brown tee-shirt with orange designs scattered around by JJ.

When the show began Hadiyeh and Nas find themselves focusing on other peoples expressions more than enjoying the show itself.

After Vik finally came back with a look of exhilaration on his face it was his first time making such a big appearance with so many big names in the crowd, it was the designers turn to make their appearance. Hadiyeh hands Jannah to JJ who presses a kiss on her cheek. Hadiyeh took a breath and walked out onto the catwalk her abaya trailing behind her as the audience rose from their seats applauding Hadiyeh and her magnificent performance.

As soon as Hadiyeh took her bow. She turned to her right and saw Anna Wintour out of her seat applauding Hadiyeh for her job. She had just gotten a standing ovation from Anna Wintour herself.

That night in London Hadiyeh and JJ had taken it upon themselves to invite the fans who had stepped in as models for dinner as a party. As the boys dealt with that party Hadiyeh, JJ, Jannah and Nas had received an invite from Anna Wintour herself. She had invited them for a private dinner in London on the rooftop of the hotel she was staying at.

She had congratulated Hadiyeh and adored their toddler child. Telling the stories of her experience and Hadiyeh had taken it upon herself to take mental notes, she may be some big-time superstar celebrity but she is still human and was overwhelmed.


Hadiyeh and JJ were fast asleep when Jannah came toddling into their bedroom.

"Mama!" Jannah wailed, she had her first nightmare and wanted her parents' comfort.

"Yes, baby?" Hadiyeh groaned opening her eyes slightly to look at her daughter standing there with her favourite pink teddy bear, touselled hair and wet eyes.

"Can I sweep here?"

"Yeah, come on," Hadiyeh was too tired to even argue, she elbowed JJ.

"Hm?" He groaned turning to face her.

"Get some pants on, Jannah's coming in,"


"I think she's had a nightmare, move." She pushed him lightly. He groaned but didn't protest instead he got out from under the duvets, the cold air hitting him like an icy draft of wind. He shimmied into a pair of shorts and got under the duvet again, this time three of them in the bed.

"Baba, you're hurting Fifi!" Jannah protested shoving her father with all of her power knowing she couldn't do any actual damage.

"Who's Fifi?" JJ turned around again, wide awake, how many people were in this bed?

"Fifi!" She was astounded that her father didn't know who her bear was, Jannah pulled her toy out from under JJ's heavy body, shoving the plush pink bear into JJ's face.

"Oh, yeah, Fifi." JJ tone couldn't sound more flat and sarcastic.

"JJ!" Hadiyeh pinched her husband from under the bedsheets.

"Yeah, Jannah, tell me more about Fifi," JJ spoke again, this time with more enthusiasm, it was his daughter after all. 

Jannah's words seemed hazy to Hadiyeh who had fallen back asleep but JJ had remained awake talking to their daughter and seeing Hadiyeh asleep he had made it a point to take his daughter out of the room to let her sleep in peace, she had another series of shows to attend as soon as she woke up.

"Want to help me make breakfast bubba?" 

"Okay!" She nodded clapping her hands before JJ put his forefinger against his lips. 'sh'. Jannah nodded replicating JJ 'sh.' she repeated.

JJ and Jannah went into the kitchen, JJ set Jannah on the counter as he began cooking breakfast. 


"Hm, baby?" 

"Are you cold?"

"No, why? You cold?" JJ turned to his daughter concerned.

"No, because you not wearing a shirt." She said poking his side.

JJ laughed loudly as their daughter giggled, together they helped make breakfast, although the most that Jannah did was pour chocolate chips onto her pancake mixture and had gone a bit overboard, it didn't matter anyway, today was their off-day.



"Do you know what I saw when I sweped last night?"

"Go on, tell me."

"Me, you and mama were in the car with uncle Nas and then I saw someone take a picture with their big camera and then a loud crash and then I woke up" She hadn't managed to finish her dream, she had woke up crying.

"It's okay bubba, it was just a dream." JJ knelt in front of her kissing her forehead and wiping a tear off her face, thinking about the nightmare she had witnessed, had made her sad all over again, "Never mind that dream, Jannah, do you want to go wake up mama?" 

The child nodded her frown turning upside down, her mood uplifted again. 

JJ chuckled as he helped her off the counter. Children could be so weird sometimes. 

Written: 14/10/2021

Published: 16/10/2021

(A/N: Not me cooking up shit.)

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