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FLASHFORWARD: In the hospital, Hadiyeh's bedside

"JJ you can't coup yourself in here, you have a life and career to take care of," Josh spoke, his head swayed a little, he had begun drinking excessive amounts of alcohol for the past few days, he and Freya had gotten into a massive argument and he had found himself relying on alcohol for the cure to his problems. Usually, Haidyeh would have been there to play the role of therapist but right now she was in a coma. It had just hit the group how much Hadiyeh's existence meant to them, fucking hell, they had forgotten how to function without her.

"Rich coming from you." JJ rolled his eyes, drawing circles on Hadiyeh's good hand, the bruises had faded off of her body but the wounds still remained.

"We're only trying to help," Tobi said sitting on the chair opposite him, Hadiyeh's lifeless body laying between them as a barrier.

"I don't fucking need your help, get out." The last thing JJ needed was for his friends to walk in on him and try to boss him around, none of them understood his pain. He was angry with Hadiyeh, she had left him in such a mess, Jannah was getting older day by day as JJ stood by the sidelines watching the days go by because he had no idea what to do with the little girl. He couldn't take on that responsibility!

"Lads a minute." Saeedeh excused the boys from the room leaving, her and JJ in the room.

"Stay strong," Tobi whispered walking past Saeedeh their knuckles brushing over each other, a faint smile appearing against her lips.

"You don't get the right to sit here and complain, she might be your wife, but before anything she was my sister," Saeedeh spoke her tone hard and harsh. JJ needed some tough love in his life right now and seeing as Hadiyeh wasn't here to give it to him, Saeedeh had taken that role upon herself.

"You think I fucking care, leave me the fuck alone," JJ swore, he knew he deep down he didn't mean those words, he wasn't even looking at Saeedeh, his eyes were bound to Hadiyeh, hoping he'd manage to get a reaction out of her lifeless body, Hadiyeh was never one to back down when someone challenged her. Hadiyeh, wake up and tell me about how much of a dick I am, tell me I have no right to talk to your sister like that, Hadiyeh say something. He pleaded his thoughts silently, hoping to gauge out a reaction from her, even the blink of an eyelid or the movement of her hand. Something. Anything. Hadiyeh, please.

"She's not going to wake up and tell you to pick yourself up Jide," Saeedeh spoke from next to him, dropping into the chair beside him, "You're going to have to pull yourself together, not just for yourself but for Jannah too, she's still your daughter, grow some balls and take care of your family, what happens if she wakes up now? Is she going to thank you for sitting next to her for a week? Or would you rather she wake up and see you doing your job as a parent? To see you living. Live the life she's missing out on."

The words were hard for JJ to hear, halfway through he wanted to lug his fingers into his ears and sing until Saeedeh got bored and left, but he knew he had to listen to her because as much as he hated to admit it, her words were true.

"Take care," Saeedeh spoke, getting out of the chair and kissing Hadiyeh's cheek, bidding her inanimate sister goodbye all in the hopes of her eventually waking up.

Time skip: Two days later.

"Hey Hads," Josh spoke from next to the bed, he had come to visit Hadiyeh, he knew his talk would be pointless but he needed to talk to someone knowing that they won't judge him, so he had found himself wandering the streets of London aimlessly when he realised he had found himself standing in front of the hospital.

"JJ, left yesterday, but you already know that," He couldn't bring himself to talk about Hadiyeh, knowing she wouldn't reply, but he needed to get things off his chest and she's the only person he could talk to knowing she wouldn't judge.

A few minutes later he begins reorganizing the flowers on her bedside table and subconsciously he begins talking.

"Freya and I got engaged a few months ago and now she wants us to move houses," He said, "But I don't want to move, because Hads, I'm not ready, I wish you'd just wake up and tell me what to do."

"They've taken Nas out of intensive care and he's on bed rest in Harry's apartment, they say their just friends but we all know Harry's really antisocial, he wouldn't ask someone to move in with them if he didn't truly like them," He chuckled to himself, wiping a tear off his cheek, changing the water of the vase, replacing the old flowers with the fresh flowers he had just got from the florist, "But it's all good, everyone's been missing you."

"Freya and I got into an argument a week ago," He began, "After what happened to you, she said that life's too short to wait around, you know how I always say to work now and live easy later? She doesn't agree, well, not anymore. After what happened to you, we got into an argument, I'm being insensitive arent I? Hads, just wake up and tell me what to do! I'm so fucking lost."

Written: 18/10/2021

published: 23/10/2021

(A/N: Hadiyeh giving therapy even though she's literally dying xx Also I'm really sorry abt not updating yesterday, so I'll do a double update <33)

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