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JJ and Hadiyeh run up the stares both terrified. When they get upstairs they see Maya stood there gripping Jannah by the arm as Asal and Arsalan try pulling her away from Maya's grip only to get kicked by her. 

"Be quiet you little brat, you don't des-" Maya's words are cut short when she heard the door slam open, Hadiyeh and JJ rushing into the room, neither of them looking like they wanted to get messed with. 

Maya lets go of the child, tossing her towards Hadiyeh and JJ's feet. 

Hadiyeh picks up Jannah, who was bawling her eyes out, crying into her mother's shirt, trying to explain to her that she hadn't done anything wrong. 

"It's okay baby, baba's got you," JJ whispered taking Jannah into his arms, also trying to lead the children out of the playroom, "Here, come on you lot, I heard the chefs got dates for tonight,"

As soon as he shuts the door Hadiyeh turns to Maya with a scowl on her face. Hadiyeh wasn't known to have the kindest resting face. 

"You absolute whore." Hadiyeh couldn't help but swear, "What were you fucking thinking? attacking my child?!" 

"Don't talk to me like that, she was being a brat, all I asked her to do was to get me a glass of water." 

Hadiyeh has to physically stop herself from reaching out and slapping her. 

"Next time I see around my child, I'll make sure you won't be able to have another child." She swears, her words sealing an oath, "Now pack your things, the maids will escort you home."

"You act like you own this place, Abbas is older than you, he literally owns this house!" 

"He owns nothing, all he has is from our dad, OUR dad." She repeats for emphasis, "Now if you don't have anything else to say, pack your shit and leave, I wouldn't wait around until Abbas comes back, because I might not be able to hold myself back and say something about how that child isn't his."

Suddenly Maya goes awfully quiet. 

"How do you know?" Her voice is no louder than a mouse.

"The maids will come and escort you out in a few minutes." Hadiyeh doesn't reply to her question, she exits the room, leaving the door ajar.

She walks down the stairs, not wanting to take the elevator, feeling guilty for yelling at her, she knows that Maya deserved that yell and threat, but she shouldn't have done it when fasting, the whole point of fasting is to be able to keep her cool when hungry and agitated, but please, just give her a break already, it has been a chaotic year. Just as she walks down to the second floor she hears sniffles coming from her room and suddenly the guilt is forgotten. Anyone who makes her beautiful daughter cry deserves nothing but hell. She walks into her room seeing JJ hold Jannah to his chest, trying to comfort the crying girl. 

"Mama!" Jannah climbed out of JJ's arms and into hers, cuddling herself into Hadiyeh's neck, just like JJ often does when looking for Hadiyeh's comfort. 

"I got you, what's wrong?"

"She- she- pinched my awm, like-like this!" The child blabbered trying to pinch her mother's arm, to emphasise her point. 

"Ow!" Hadiyeh pretended to feel hurt, "That hurt!" 

"I know, because- because I didn't get her water!" 

"I know she's super bad isn't she?" Hadiyeh directs the talk away from Jannah's hurt. 

"I don't like her!" Jannah agrees, crossing her arms over her chest, just like Hadiyeh does when she's angry.

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